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So this is an early update! I expect! Some heavy votes, comments and updates lots of love bye~


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-[ Chapter 20]-

|| Recap ||

Far away, I saw him. Sweat poured down, from his face, as that strange grass ninja was in front of him. "Sasuke!" I screamed, bolting upright. "What is it?" Kuruyami asked, shaking my head, I bolted towards the end of the tower. "Emiko! Wait up!" He yelled, but I was already in the air, and falling.

I'm coming Sasuke.. Just hold on. With that, I fed more chakra into my feet. Bolting forward, I ran towards his direction. "Sasuke." Bushes whizzed past me, everything becoming a blur. My eyes, only focusing on what's ahead. "Sasuke." His chakra source, was closer, I could feel how it wavered from exhaustion.

"SASUKE!" I screamed, with my entire heart, as I flew upwards.


|| End of Recap ||

Bolting forwards, plants snagged my ankles, cutting deep wounds.

Ignoring the stinging sensation, I continued running. I'll find him.

I have to. A involuntary whimper, left my lips. Sasuke where are you?

His chakra source, was close.

The scenery changed, I was now in the deeper area of the woods.

The lighting diminished, my lungs were burning, swallowing hard, I continued running.

A branch, snagged my ankle, making me tumble down. Crashing down roughly, I yelped in surprise.

My heart was sky rocketing, leaning into the grass, its soft leaves relaxing my body.

Looking up, my eyes caught the leaves rustling above me. A streak of sunlight, beamed on me.

A smile slowly crept on my face, as the wind swept by. "No matter, how deep you are in darkness."

The sun shone harder, lighting the darkness around me.

"There's always a light, nearby."

Standing up, my bones popped.

Snorting, I realised how foolish I'm being. Closing my eyes, I focused.

Then I felt the shift, my wolf ears poofed, and my sense of smell heightened.

"So this is what its like..." I said, taking in my surroundings.

he flowers around me, seemed brighter. The darkness, not so dark anymore. The sensation was exhilarating, taking in a deep breath, I searched for my pine smelling man.



It was faint, far off in the distance.

Twinkling my nose, I followed the scent. No I didn't crawl, on my hands and knees, like a demented person. Kiba would often do that, when he, and Akamaru would hunt together.

The sensation of leaves brushing against, my knees empowered me.

Giving a sensation, of adrenaline.

He was so close, I could practically hear, his heartbeat. Please be fine, I pleaded.

The familiar rhythm enclosed, my ears. His heartbeat, the pattern already synchronised in my brain.

My ninja way - A Naruto love story *Where stories live. Discover now