Harsh wake up call

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(^-^) I'm so happy!!!

Enjoy your day (^-^)




-[ Chapter 23]-

"Will you marry me?" Sasuke asked. My heart was pounding, and I cried. "YES!" He laughed, as we rolled down the hill.

"Oh Emiko." Emiko Emiko his voice repeated, over and over in my head. Emiko...

The earth was shaking, but we still laughed.



"HEY WAKE UP!" Screaming, I bolted upright. It was just a dream! "AGGGGGGGG!" I yelled, glaring at Ken-kun. "If I could you'd be ten-feet under." He slowly moved away, from my bed. Pulling the blanket, over my head, I tried to sleep.

"Hey wake up." He repeated, poking my back. "Go away." My voice, coming out muffled.

"Well you'll see for yourself." He huffed. "Huh?" I asked, peaking.

"My Dad, has something to tell you... Its quite urgent..." His tone made my body, go cold.



He always used his, "sugar coating" voice, when something CRAP is about to happen. Kicking the blankets off of me, I rolled out of my bed. Ken was blushing, averting eye-contact.

"What?" I asked, looking down at my body. "Nothing y-you just look pretty today." Did he knock his head? Or something?



"Yeah yeah whatever." Walking towards my cupboard, I quickly grabbed a simple black dress.

"I'll be back!" I yelled, slamming my bathroom door.

Once inside, I stripped my body.

The cold air, hit my skin giving me goose bumps. "Mehhh.. Cold." I groaned, hurriedly putting the black Kimono on.

It reached above my knees! "I grew!" "What grew?" Ken asked, from outside the bathroom.

"Ehhh nothing." Quickly brushing my hair, I tied it up in a bun.

Grabbing some toothpaste, I brushed my teeth hurriedly.

~|| 15 seconds || ~

"I'm dooone~" I sang, twirling out of the bathroom. He laughed, and opened the door for me. "My lady." He said teasingly, I laughed and stepped out. A huge smile, was plastered on my face.

"What's wrong with your face?" Ken asked, confused I touched my face. "No no, you have this really creepy smile on." Ohh!



"I'm just excited, to see Sasuke today." He smiled, and nodded his head.

We arrived at the, Library Taro's favourite place. Ken opened the door for me, and I slipped in.

"Good Morning Taro-sama." I kept things formal, much to his displeasure. WHAT? Did he expect, after my trail I'd be all, happy wappy? I could have gotten killed, while he was sitting like a useless tool.

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