Lovesick puppy

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-[Chapter 13]-

"What's wrong, with her?" Atsuko whispered, to her brother. "I don't know, she's been humming since this morning." They watched as a elated, Emiko hummed away, while preparing breakfast.

"Maybe she's, sick?" His little sister piped, he nodded in agreement. "Atsuko, you go around the right, I'll come left." They nodded, and hid below the cupboards.

I just didn't know, what overcame me. I'm just so, happy. Blushing slightly, when my fingers brushed pass my lips.

His lips, were soft. I wonder what his, doi-"Ahhh!" I screamed, when I went failing backwards.

"Success!" Ken, and Atsuko cheered. They gave each, other fistpunches. I smiled at, the two of them.

"Good morning~" I sang, they seemed odd this morning. "Miko-chan, are you alright?" Atsuko asked, I raised and eyebrow at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, the two of them scampered off. "What the hell?" I asked, while sitting on the floor.

I stood up, dusting my skirt. I was wearing, my usual "purple dinosaur." The nicnkname, use to irritate me, but now I really couldn't, care less.

"A uhm." Someone said, behind me. I jumped up, and saw Taro. "Oh ooh...Good morning, Taro-sama." I said, every since the whole "court case" it feels, weird thinking of him as a Father when, he would so easily put my head, on trial.

"So formal, today Emiko?" He asked, smiling softly. I gave a stiff nod. Oh please? Did he think, I'm still going to run-around calling him "Taro-san" after that? Get real. I watched, as his smile faltered a bit. He nodded, and reached into his robe.

He held, a scroll in his hand.

"Here, deliver this, to the Leaf Village Hokage." He placed it, in my hand and walked off.

My first, official mission.

My body, felt like thousands of little fairies, were moonwalking on me.

"Fabulous." I sighed, my wolf ears poofed up. "This thing!" I said, grabbing it. "Really, kills my buzz." I muttered.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

A familiar, redhead sent an involuntary shiver across, my body. I made the handsigns, and quickly telerported out of the Village.

"That was close." My hands were shaking, so I rubbed them together as I walked towards the Hokage's office.

I was so out of it, that I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I looked up, to see a very unhappy blonde.

"You better be!" Ino screamed, at me. Okay, I had a lot of stress, and in any other situation. I would have not, acted upon my animilistic desires, but I was peeved off by Leiko. So...

I hit her, in her throat. She fell down, and began to choke.

I walked on, leaving the now blue-girl, behind. "Stupid, creepy people, weirding me out." I chanted, while climbing the Hokage's stairs. I knocked on his door, and waited for permission.

"Enter." A hoarse voice, commanded. I opened the door, and smiled at the old man. He gave off, a family vibe. That you cannot, resist.

"Message for you, from King Taro." I announced, placing the scroll on his table.

He puffed out smoke, and nodded. "Thank you, Emiko." I saluted, and then walked out of his office.

"Don't forget, your headband." I heard him say, before I shut the door. I blushed, feeling like I left my house in my underwear.

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