Tears,hugs and sad goodbyes

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Sooooo silent readers are starting to kill me (*_*) I know you like my story :( so why won't you vote it?

You guys are mean! :(


-[Chapter 24]-


I hated this. The minute our hearts, all began to synchronise it was torn apart. Sighing I deepened my hug, with Renji. He was holding me tightly, as we were on the border of my Village. The walls were up, ensuring we don't go tumbling out, by the take off.

I was currently, holding off the departure by saying goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you." I said, holding him tightly. He nodded, and I felt something wet on my cheek. Pulling back, I saw his eyes were puffy.

"Are you crying?"

"NO! Only girls cry!" With that, he walked away, towards Yoshio.

I laughed, and gave Gin a quick hug. "I'm going to miss you, Emiko-chan!" "I'm going to miss, you to." He let go of me, and stood beside Yoshio. I said goodbye to everyone, but I left my team for last.

"Yoshio-sesei?" He smiled at me, bending down to hug me. He no longer smelt, like a bar, but rather like leaves now. "I'm going to miss you!" I cried, he patted my back.

"There, there Emiko-chan~" He said my name, as if it was a song.

It irritated me, at this sad moment.

"I'll see you in a month, for the Chunin exam's." He smiled at me, I gave him a weak smile back. Biting my cheek, I smiled. "Totally."

Totally not...Taro couldn't change course, just for me its too much.



"Come on!" One of the guards yelled at me, I glared at him.

"Have faith Emiko, I'm sure we will see each other soon." He smiled at me, "I want you to train, for this Month we can't have any dead weight." I smiled, even sad he'd always make me laugh.

"Miko-chan!" Naruto cried, while Sasuke held him back. I shuddered, at the sight of his arms. They look innocent, but they're deadly crushers. "Bye Naruto! Bye guys!"

"Come on!" The Guard yelled.

"Shut up!" I retorted, my heart felt heavy leaving them.

"Come on Miko-chan." I turned around, and saw Ken. He was smiling, at me.

"O-Okay." He nodded, as he guided me back inside. The gates were being closed, but I watched as Sasuke stared back at me. His onyx eyes, watching me intensively.

This will be the last time...I see him...Tears were falling freely from, my eyes as the gates closed.

"Hey Emiko-chan. Its all over now." Ken said, I glared at him. "I didn't want it to be over." He stared back at me. "I think it was long overdue." He said, and walked on ahead. "Whatever." I said, shoving pass him.

"My baby!" Aiko said, clutching her pet Rat. Disgusting thing...

"Miko-chan!" Atsuko yelled, running towards me. Sighing I looked down, at her. "Hey."

"Hey!" She replied, perky as ever.

"Who would have guessed, Ratto-kun was by the bridge last night?" Atsuko asked, still in a state of wonder.

My heart sped up, as I smiled nervously at her.

"Yeah totally." She smiled up at me. "I wonder how he got there." She trailed off, thinking various ways.

"Hahahaha! It beats me." I lied.

-|| Last night || -

"Its time to leave." Taro said, walking towards the gates. After Sasuke and I, had spent a lovely evening together it was time to leave...or so he thought. I smirked, when a familiar shrill was heard.

Yes! Aiko came flying, out of the Mansion doors. "STOP!" She screamed. Taro stopped his movement, and looked back at her.

"RATTO IS GONE!" She screamed.

"Oh no! We have to find him!" I said, trying to act concerned.



"No don't be-"YES! Were finding my baby boy! Its a rare, endangered species of Rats! I'm not leaving WITHOUT IT!" For once, I was grateful for Aiko's bossy manners.

I got to spend a night, by Sasuke's place. I used the excuse of "Searching" for the rat, as my get away plan. The night was perfect...



- || Flashback Over||-

Sighing I walked, into the Palace.

"Emiko how are you, my dear?" Ami asked, I ignored her as I walked up the stairs. Leiko was smiling, as I walked past him.

Opening my door, I slammed it shut locking it. I miss my team...

I miss Yoshio and his retarded ways. Kicking off my shoes, I walked towards the window.

"I wish I could fly." I said, as I stared out at the beautiful morning sky. Looking around my room, I saw photo's of people I would never see again... Wrapping my arms, around my body I looked out the window.

"Miss me?" I screamed, when I saw a body hanging against my window. Clutching my heart, I calmed down when I saw, it was Hideo-sensei. "Hideo!" I screamed, while opening my window.

He smirked, as his hair blew about in the wind. "Time to learn how to fly."



(^-^) ! Who's a happy monkey?

YOU ARE! I wrote this chapter, just for you guys even though I have final exam's coming up (-_-)... Sigh... Why was math invented? Evil shit!! GRRRR!! (*-*)

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Lots of love



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