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-[Chapter 17]-

So warm, I thought, leaning deeper into the heat source. I opened my eyes slowly, and was met with a sight that took my breath away.

Emiko was beside me, her hair sprawled about on my pillows.

She was always so chirpy, but this was the first time I actually saw her well...calm. I traced her lips, they were so lushes and full. Her eyelashes slowly, fluttered open. The sight, of her eyes made me gasp and bolt upright. "Sasuke!" She said, clutching her chest. My jaw dropped, when I saw her eyes.

"Emiko...your eyes."



|| Emiko ||

"Emiko...your eyes." He said, mortified. Concentrating hard, I focussed on my eyes. I opened them again, to see a creeped out Sasuke.

He looked at me, inspecting my face before shaking his head.

"What?" I asked, he shook his head jumping out of the bed.

He grabbed some clothing, his back was towards me. I could...I could get use to this. My cheeks started, to heat up, just thinking of waking up to Sasuke. "What are you thinking?" He asked, making me jump. "N-nothing." I mumbled, blushing. He smirked, giving me a disbelieving look.



"Whatever you say, Emiko." His footsteps disappeared, and was replaced with silence. Straining to hear where he went, my wolf ears poofed out. I concentrated, and relaxed. He was in the shower, the soft rattling sound of water was heard.

His room, was quite plain. It needed, some decoration's. Biting my thumb, I thought hard. "This is an emergency, this room needs fashion sense." With that, I made my handsigns and telerported to my room. Searching in my cupboard, I found the frames I was looking for.



I gave me room, a quick look over.

His room was mainly needed some colour! I grabbed my pillow, and with everything in my hand, reappeared into his room.

I don't know, why Yoshio hates telerporting! It saves so much, time!

Shaking my head, I placed the photo on his bedside table.

I stood back, and smiled. I took a small ornament, of the Sun and Moon, and placed it beside the bedside table.



"Looks a whole lot, better now." Smiling in satisfaction, when I looked at the room. I threw the pillow, it landed square in the middle of the other pillows.

Being a Ninja, sure does pay off, all those Kunai lessons, and Sharikan throwing.

The photo was one, I took a while ago. I practically forced Sasuke, to take the picture. My smile was huge, as always my hair looked like a rat got hold of it. I grimaced, and stroked my hair down.

Geez thanks a lot hair, ruining everything.

Glaring at that photo, I placed another one on his table. Pushing some scrolls aside,"Move scrolls, there's a new girl in town." I laughed, at my own joke placing the silver frame there. This photo...was my favourite one.

The time, we first kiss. A blush, made its way up my cheek's.

Sasuke was shirtless, water glistening down his body.

My ninja way - A Naruto love story *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora