Chapter Two

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I don't own anything of Naruto, if I did Shikamaru would be a my husband and HinataXNaruto would have happend yeaarsss ago. All the credit goes to their respective owners, I'm just here to share my story.

Chapter Two:

Once we entered the second wall, I looked around the Village and saw some markets that caught my eye. Even though I live in the Castle, with the Royals I still feel in my heart that I belong with the other Villagers. I smiled and waved at one of the resturant owners, she waved about frantically. We all laughed at the sight before us, it was always less awkward with the three of us. Even though Ken, is a Royal he doesn't act like it. He doesn't have his nose stuck in the air, unlike his cousins I rolled my eyes at the thought of them. "Well, Ken-Kun, Suko-chan I'll leave you guys here." I said while waving them off. " MIKO-CHAN! NO! YOU SUPPOSE TO BE MY BODY-GUARD! HOW CAN YOU GUARD ME IF YOU ARE LEAVING ME ALONE!" She yelled, I waved her away and continued walking around the market. "They'll be fine, she has Ken-Kun and besides they inside the second gate, they have enough protection." I reassured myself. I looked around the market, a Kimono shop caught my attention. I smiled at it, I got paid last week so I should... Have enough money to blow... The woman at the counter smiled at me, we were you could say.. "Old friends." We constantly bargained and argued over clothing, just for the fun of it. "Afternoon, Arisu-chan." I greeted her, she smiled at me and walked towards me giving me a hug. "Afternoon, dear its been a while since we last argued hasn't it?" She questioned. I nodded and walked around the shop, browsing Kimono's and dresses. "Oh my! Are you looking for something for the festival? I here this time were landing at the Leaf Village." She said, "Leaf Village?" I questioned, she nodded. "Yes, the King has decided we shall have our festival there this time." She smiled at me, "the men there are really handsome, maybe we could get you a date." She said and pinched my butt. I jumped up and knocked some furniture over, she cackled at my "ungracefullness" as she oftened called it. I glared at her, from the ground. I saw a cute blue Kimono on the ground. I reached for it, and picked it up. It was silk blue, and had black flower patterns over it. It had a thin black sash, going around it and a low V-cut at the chest. "Now that's a beauty hey? I made it especially for Princess Mikoto, but..." She trailed off and looked at me, I beamed at her understanding what she meant. I walked to the changing room, and started stripping my training clothing. I put the dress on gently, wouldn't want Arisu-chan to come stab me, for damaging her dresses. I shuddered at the thought, I stepped out of the dressing cubicle and stood in front of the mirror. The Kimono was tight and showed off my body, I smiled to myself. "Well don't I just look S-E-X-Y Arisu-chan." I said while modeling up and down, the shop. She laughed and shook her head, mumbling something about the youth of today. "It doesn't show off too, much bust does it?" I asked her. "No not at all, in fact its about time you showed them!" She said as she grabbed my breast. "Ahh! Let go! RAPE! RAPE!" I screeched as, she tried to touch my chest-area. "I just want to fix something, don't be so damn difficult." She muttered as she started pulling my dress lower. "RAPE!" I screeched, the door-bell ringed and our heads shot to the direction. At the door stood a random woman. " I interfering with something here?" She asked politely a little bit uncomfortable. I covered my chest and ran rowards the changing room, I heard Arisu laugh and joke about us "playing." I got dressed quickly, and paid for the dress. "Here take some shoes, they for free." She mumbled as she threw some VERY EXPENSIVE shoes, if I must say at my face. I grummbled at her, but accepted the gift. I put the shoes in the shopping bag, and walked around the market. "Well that was fun." I said to myself, I smiled at some people I knew. I should probably head back home now, I thought as I took a corner. Well I wanted to show Dokuro-Sama my new jutsu's, I should hurry if I wana catch the old fart awake. I jumped around some houses, and landed in alley-way. Their was a strong smell of rotting corpse, and urine that made me want to gag. But this is the quickest way to the 3rd wall..."Well, well if it isn't the Royals personal pet." Said a voice from behind me, I stopped in my tracks. For years that voice has been constantly jearing at me, ridiculing me, I turned around and faced Dai. His green hair, stuck out at all sides as he had a rugged look around him. "Sato-Kun." I said lamely at him, whenever I see his black eyes I always feel a sense of anger boil inside of me. "Why so formal, Emiko? Did the Royals train you to be so punctual?" He teased me, and it worked. I should be happy they accepted me, and took me in...but this guy... Just riles me up. I groaned, "No its called "common courtesy." I snapped at him, he rolled his eyes at me and leaned against the wall. "You do know, that your nothing to them right?" He taunted me, I swollowed hard. No his just jealous, don't let him get under your skin. I looked straight at him, through his shallow acts. "Envious? Are we Dai-Kun?" I asked, he snorted and strolled lazily, to me. It wasn't till he was right in front of me did I realize how tall he was. "Listen up short-face, I couldn't give a crap about the Royals. As far as I'm concerned I'm leaving this hell-hole at the festival, and you can stay here and be their little pet." He whispered. "You don't have permissionto leave." I muttered, he smirked at me. "Still a good girl? Eh?" He was leaning so close to me, I could see the freackles on his cheeks. "They will use you, till you can do nothing more for them. Then once that's done BOOM off with your head." I jumped back at the fright he gave me, I blinked back tears. "T-thats not t-true." I stuttered out, I should stop listening to him. He smiled menacingly

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