My ninja way - A Naruto love story*

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I do not own Naruto. All of its credit, goes to their respective owners.

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*Chapter Three*



I hurled again, pouring out my breakfast. I flushed the toilet and leaned against the mirror. "Agg..." I groaned, these nerves are going to be the end of me. "Well I doubt I can hold, down any food." I said grumpily, I opened the bathroom door and walked to my bed. On my bed, was my "perfect" ninja outfit I have ever created. I leaned against my bed, for some support. "Gods help me for today." I begged as I removed the towl from my body. I picked up a red shirt and put it on, along with some undies. I wiggled my body into my black shorts and bandaged my right thigh, I scratched around underneath the bed for my shoes. I pulled them out, and put on my knee-high black boots that opened at my toes. I wiggled my toes, to check if I was comfortable in it. I nodded in satisfaction, and then threw on a white Jacket that had red edges, I strapped my Kunai-puch to my right leg.

The Jacket, was a little to big for me so it nearly covered my whole hand, I shrugged not really caring. I nearly screamed when I looked at my hair, it looked like birds had a trance-party in it. I anime cried as I began, brushing it out. I put my hair into a messy bun, blonde pieces of my hair stuck out and I gave up on trying to make it look neat. My bangs were out, and I went to my bedside table and put my headband on. Hmmm...Hikaru must have brought it back, last night. I thought, I strapped it onto my head and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked good. "Don't worry, you'll do fine." I said to my reflection, trying to reasure myself. People love the Village Hidden in the Clouds, we bring the Festivals and fun and games...there won't be any Assassinations or evil Ninja's trying to kill the King or Royals..No..none of that..."Miko-chan are you done ye- Ken didn't get to finish his words, as he watched me have a metal breakdown. "Hey! Hey! Miko-chan! You'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about! There are a lot of other guards that will be with you, you don't have anything to fear." He said calmly, as he rubbed my back.

"Other guards with me, so I won't have to worry about secret attacks?" I asked while stars floated around my head, he shook his head and I sighed in relief. "I got you something." He said while putting his hands behind his back, I stared at him and smiled at him. "What is it Ken-kun?" I asked, he tapped his chin. Oh you wana tease me? I leaned up, stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. He turned blood-red and dropped, the gift behind him. I grabbed it, with my quick reflexes and jumped onto my bed. I opened it and there was a Katana, it was beautiful and it had a silver hilt. On the Hilt was, a purple string with some flower patterns and string. My heart squirmed, with delight. "Thank you Ken-Kun!" I yelled as I held him tight, he grabbed me by my waist and twirled me around. I screamed with, delight as he spun me around.

15 minutes later


I was standing in the control room, where the "Captain" calculated where we were, and at what pace we were going at. There were high rank ninja's here, Gate Keepers, Royal Body Guards and Chakra specialist's. There were no woman, in the Gate Keeper job posts, its a very tough job. They have to be as strong as Jonin, yet as qualified as ANBU members...I looked at their white uniforms with envy. They looked so smart, with their white coats and black boots. They had gloves specially designed, to weaken their enemies chakra. All to protect the village from any intruders. The cloud symbol, was on their backs in a silver lining. Being a Gate Keeper was the Highest Honour, beside being a Royal...they can go anywhere leave the Village and come back.. I remembered when I was in the academy and Sato-kun use to tell me, about his dream of becoming one so he can see the world when ever he wanted.

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