A new Leaf Ninja

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(-_-) I don't own Naruto, all credit to their owners.

-------Chapter six ----------

Flames swirled in the air, a sea of blood was seen everywhere. My mouth opened, but no sound came out. The taste of bile filled my mouth, my small frame shivered in fear as I took in my surroundings. I jerked awake blankets falling off the bed, I breathed heavily and sweat rolled down my face. "J-just a nightmare." I muttered to myself, forcing myself to lay back down. Same nightmare, over and over, it hasn't happened in a long time but when ever I do have one its always the same. Groaning in frustration I turned onto my side, and gazed outside my window. I was met by the beautiful moon. The story of how the sun died every night, so that the moon would shine was always...beautiful to me. My shirt was sweaty, and clung tightly to my skin. "I need to wash." Kicking the blankets off my bed, I strolled lazily towards the shower. Turning the water on, so that it would be a cool shower. Throwing my sleeping shirt off, and taking my underwear off I jumped into the shower and sighed in relief. The water cooled my body, removing evidence of stress and angst. Once my temperature regulated I began to scrub myself. The smell of lavender soap, filled the room as I finished washing myself and used a air jutsu to dry myself off quickly. Walking back into my room, I crossed the room and went towards my desk. Where did I put it? I scratched in the draw's till I found it, a bag of potato chips. I smiled and jumped, onto my couch and munched on some chips while gazing at the moon. The half-full moon greeted me, as I munched on my meal. Somehow the moon reminded me of Naruto. I could picture him right there, with his big cheesy smile and bubbly personality. His probably sleeping, dreaming of becoming Hokage. I laughed at the idea, and threw the packet in the bin. I wonder if Sasuke is awake now? It must be awful being alone...it was scary before Dokuro-sama came along. I pulled my knee's closer to my body, and wrapped my arms around it. Would he be angered if I visited him? "Oh hey Sasuke! Naruto told me your an orphan and I felt bad and wanted to bring you something!" I've become quite sarcastic these days... A loud thump was heard against my window, my eyes shifted towards it and there was Kurayami. I sweat dropped at him, and walked towards the window. I opened it and stepped aside, so he could come in. "Kuraymi, your not a cat you can't really...climb through windows." I sweat dropped at him, as he glared at me. "I'll only take advice from someone, who wears more than their birthday suit." My cheeks began to burn, and I wrapped my arms around my chest. "Perv." I mumbled under my breath, he returned with a blanket and I greedily, wrapped it around me. "Have I ever told you about the full deal of, our contract?" He asked me, while getting comfortable on the ground. "Uhm..no not really." He shook his head at me,"It is a bond, you can share with Wolves or just me in general. Practically you receive our heightened senses and other characteristics." He informed me, his black ears were so cute I wanted to touch them so badly. "Okay, that sounds cool." I smiled and laid on the floor, next to him. "The bond allows you, to tap into your animalistic side. Your chakra increases, speed agility and senses. You can hear the world like I do, smell the great smells of the world. See the true beauty that the world has to show." His voice sounded so dreamy like the, propaganda speaker's you find in the Village. "We can use this bond, when you need my power." I nodded as thoughts ran around in my mind, do I get a tail? "I should properly go visit Naruto-kun." I said, while getting up. "Who's Naruto?" Kurayami asked, I picked up my new purple outfit and began, to dress myself. "Well... His a new friend of mine, he's a bundle of energy really he is." I smiled remembering, how wild he can get. I struggled with my shirt, but managed to get it on. "Have you seen my sandals?" I asked, he pointed with his nose towards my bed. "Thanks." Grabbing the shoes under my bed, I hurriedly put my whole outfit together, tying my hair into two-pigtails I ran out of the room towards the kitchen. Sliding down the stairs, I walked towards the kitchen. "Mmm... He likes Ramen.. So I guess I'll make him some traditional Ramen then. My hands worked around the kitchen, with experience. I began to boil the noodles, eggs and before you know it the sun was rising and I was done.

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