A deadly mission.

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-[Chapter 14]-

She was snoring slightly, her mouth agape. Her usually tied up, platinum blonde hair, was now let down. She looked really pretty, I almost felt bad, for what was going to, happen.


"WAKE UP DINOSAUR!" We screamed together. Emiko jerked upwards, she went flailing off her bed. I laughed, and gave Gin a high-five. Our smiles dropped, when we saw that deathglare.

I gulped, "Good morning, Emiko." Gin looked like he was, going to shit himself. Even Yoshio, was hiding behind her couch.

"In my defence Emiko, this was all Gin's idea." I said. Gin shoved me, "Me?! You said, she'll love it!" He yelled at me, gosh he's such a cry-baby. "So Emiko are you goi- She wasn't by her bed, anymore.

I panicked, trying to look for my friendly, blond colleague.

"Emiko." I whispered, Gin and I both, trying to pin-point her.

"Emiko, just remember I Abarai, Renji, did not decide this." Gin gave me a look, and I laughed.

"TAKE THIS!" Emiko screamed, she was dropping down from the ceiling. So...I did anything, a man would do. I screamed, and pushed Gin out of, my way.


I canned myself, watching Renji run-way. My "sword" was , a pillow that I changed, into a sword. The fool. I watched as Gin panicked, about with Yoshio-sensei. I landed on my couch, looking at the three of them.

"What are, you guys all doing here?" I asked. Yoshio cleared hsi throat, and jumped off of my bed.

"Ahh Emiko-chan, you see. The boy's and I, we all decided to surprise you this morning."

"You see, today is going to be our first, serious, mission." And with that, I was all peaches. Smiling, away. What? I'm sick of babysitting, or cleaning some old-ladies garden.

"Okay, give me 5 and I'll be done!" I said, jumping off the couch, and heading towards my bathroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a quick wash, and flying into my usual outfit. I fastened my headband, and stepped out of my room. My eyebrow's twitched, at the sight before me.

I took a deep breath.

"GET OUT OF MY CLOTHING!" I screamed. All of these idiots, were wearing my dresses. They threw it off, of them as if it, was on fire.

"Thank-you." I breathed out, rubbing my temples.

"Come on Emiko-chan! Let's get, that mission!" Yoshio yelled.

Sometimes, I swear. That man, is more of a child, then us.

"Well I haven't had breakfast. So we can leave, after I've-"I haven't had food either." Said Gin, "Me neither." Renji mumbled.

"Emiko, Emiko your one terrible host! Leaving your, guests famished." My jaw dropped, and I started laughing. So after making, tons of bacon and eggs.. And probably waking up, the entire castle-members. We had finally finished our meal, and we were off on our adventure.

"Hmmmm. Emiko-chan, you can really cook." Gin complemented me, I blushed and looked away.

"Thanks." I mumbled, he smiled giving his usual, closed eye-smile.

"Its true Emiko-chan, so young yet, so gifted." Yoshio said, his eyes were now in view. He lifted his hat, showing his face. I could feel, that my cheeks were red.

"T-thanks." He chuckled, and pulled his hat down again.

His emerald green eyes, disappearing into the darkness.

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