Adapt to survive

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---------- Chapter 11 --------

Click. Click. Click. Click.

The clock ticked, oblivious to the tension in the room. It was so silent, that the silence became deadly. Gritting my teeth, I set my mind into motion. Trying to rake, an idea. An escape plan. Something.

Damn Leiko. I glared at him, he sneered at me. Indulging in my distress, his always been like this. But this time, I won't play his shithead games anymore. Lifting my head up high, and pulling my shoulders back I sat up firmly. "I have been given, Leaf Village Citizenship." I tried to sound proud, and confident but I came out like a drowning mouse.

Taro sat there, his mouth wide. Everyone in the room, looked exactly like that. I gave Taro, a pleading look. He cleared his throat, and wiped his lips.

"E-Emiko, why haven't you told us, about this?" He asked, he sounded.. Hurt?

"I wan-"We should, execute her." Aiko said, she was licking her fork and stared at me with innocent eyes. "Execute?" It came out, like a gasp. "Think about it, Taro." I watched as she lifted her fingers up. "She's gone behind our backs, made alliances with foreign Villages and on top of it all, has the nerve to pretend nothing is happening." Her fingers were lifting up, with every "point" she listed.

"I just-"Shut up brat." Aiko said, her voice like a blade. I sat there, trying to find my voice. They won't... They can't kill me. "I agree." Kenji said, he tried but failed, miserably to hide his smile. "Aiko has a point, if she could easily hide this behind our backs. How could we? Trust her, to become our Royal Body Guards?" The servants in the room gasped. A silent tear fell, from my eye. Lowering my head, I blocked out what was happening. "We will speak about this now, all children and servants leave the room." His voice jolted me up, I moved my body slowly.

I watched as the doors, were closed in my face. Ami gave me, a small smile while Taro looked emotionless. How could I, have been so stupid?

"So you finally, managed to get yourself out." Leiko said, while pinching my right cheek. I snapped my head, away from him and walked towards my room.

"Its no use, they're going to kick you out. My Mother won't stand for it, and imaging Taro. Poor King Taro his pride, ripped from him." Leiko's words were like razors, wounding me deeply. I quickened my pace, trying to avoid him. The passage ways were dark, and the others were nowhere to be seen.

"So what will, you do? When they, kick you out?" Lekio teased, tears poured from my eyes as I ran away from him. No use, I heard his words as he stalked me. My room was in sight, and I ran towards it. My sanctuary. I reached to open the door, only to have Leiko grab me. He slammed me, against the wall.

He nuzzled my neck, and I felt nauseous. "Will you become a servant-girl?" He whispered in my ear. It was too close, I could feel his breath on my skin. His hands were on my back, "Or will you..." His hands going, lower down my back. "Become a concubine?"

His hands grabbed my, ass roughly. "You could become, my personal Mistress." He purred in my ear. Everything was too close, my head was spinning. Air wasn't going through, my lungs and I felt so trapped. So I did, the only thing a woman could do. I lifted my knee up, and hit his jewels.

"Bitch!" He yelled, as he fell down onto the ground. I kicked him in the stomach, before running off into my room. I locked the door, and hid inside my bathroom.

I cried and cried, everything was messed up. My skin was crawling, after Leiko's assault. He could dream, of me ever, EVER touching his body. I threw up, in the toilet.

I rinsed my mouth out, and climbed into bed. But that night, I couldn't sleep. Leiko's words, were mulling over in my brain. "Become a concubine?" His words sent, me to the edges of darkness.

"T-t-t-taro won't k-k-kill me." I whimpered, to myself.

The moon glowed dimly that night. My clothing irritated me, I could smell him. Throwing the dress on the floor, I picked up a shirt and put it on.

Sighing I leaned against, my headboard. A soft turning sound was heard, my eyes snapped towards my window. Kuruyami climbed through the window, his midnight fur shinning in the moonlight.

I cried, as he came towards me. He placed his head, on my lap and listened to all my worries. After telling him, everything Taro in the meeting, Leiko's assault and how shit I felt. I felt relieved, like a weight was removed from my shoulders.

"Sleep, child." He commanded, and I obeyed.

- - -


The next morning. My eyes felt, all crusty. I wiped away, some sand-man sleep. Wincing as I walked. "You look, like shit." Kuruyami said, while nudging the bathroom door open.

"I feel like it." He gave a soft whimper, and I gave him a weak smile. Walking into the bathroom, I took in my appearance. I grimaced, Kuruyami wasn't joking.

My once platinum, blonde hair that flowed beautifully looked like a birds nest. My eyes were puffy red, and my lips were swollen.

All in all, I looked like the walking dead.

Sighing I waltzed into the shower, stripping off my clothing. The warmth spread through, my body. Numbing the pain. I sighed, and began to scrub my body.

I wonder what, Taro-sama is going to say. I...I hope, Ami managed to save my ass. Placing the soap gently, I cut the water off and hopped out.

Water droplets poured down, from my body. Something silver, caught my eye.

It's sharp edges, promising my sweet freedom. Swallowing hard, I walked towards it. A simple blade, I got for my tenth birthday. So simple...yet with a snip, I could be out.

Running it over my fingers, I flinched. The cold blade, gave an eerily sensation on my fingertips. For once, a blade in my hand, felt foreign.

"I could do this." I whispered, bringing the blade closer to my throat. One tug, and I'm out. The blade shook, as I brought it closer. They won't even, notice your gone, a voice said. I flinched when the cold blade, was pressed against my throat.

"Become my personal mistress." My skin crawled, remembering his touch.

You can do this, Emiko. Its...its for the best. Images of what, Royals did to intruders flashed through my mind. "This, will be an easy way out." I pressed the blade down, it cut my skin. Piercing it, and small droplets of blood, began to pour.

"Emiko are you, in there?" Atsuko's soft voice, piped. I dropped the blade, and stumbled backwards.

"Y-y-yes." I answered back.

"Uhm...Mommy, and Daddy want to speak to you." She muttered, the bathroom door began to slowly open.

I quickly grabbed a towel.

"Miko-chan! What's wrong, with your neck?" She asked. I smiled closing my eyes, "Oh this? Nothing, just a little scratch from training. I must've reopened the wound, from my shower." I lied.

Her eyes scanned my body, searching for any lies.

"Come on, we have to go." I said, ushering her out. She yelped and ran out of the bathroom. Giggling, oblivious to the doom that, awaited me.

I closed the door half-way, the blade glistening with my blood. There was a choice before me, before everyone in this type of situation.

But my mind, was already made up.

So as I closed the door. I sealed my decision.

"Adapt to survive."

- - - - -

(^o^) Helloo!!!! Fewww aren't we glade, Emiko didn't pull the blade. You know, for a second I thought she might??

So expect some sweet, updates :) hehe!



My ninja way - A Naruto love story *Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu