Then You Came: chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I, Cameron Rose, do not get surprised very often. Maybe I used to, I don't know. Now there's nothing really to be surprised about.

My street is very dull. It seems like any other street. Houses lined up, gardens tended, sidewalks clear. Under neath all the looks it's very dull. No one gets together, no one interacts. Only a few houses are still occupied.

It didn't used to be that way. When my dad was here we would have Saturday night dinners with our neighbors the Holders and Fields. We would chat and play games. It was those nights I felt like our street and my family was together, not cracked.

I guess it became cracked after my dad left my mom, Stacy and I. That's right. Left. As in packed his bags and skipped town to be with someone else.

After that, EVERYTHING, fell apart.

My friends isolated me after finding out about my dad. My freshman year of high school was a blur. I guess I was too shocked.

During my sophomore year, I found it's easier to isolate myself from people so that way when they leave I won't get hurt.

No one notices me. I'm invisible. I like it that way.

Our street became less and less occupied as that year went on.

My room has a window that faces another window in the house next to us. It's been empty for years. All I see through the window is blank glass and shades.

So maybe that's why I was surprised when I looked up at my window and saw a boy. Staring. At. Me.

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