Chapter 13

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Never in a billion years did I think that I, Cameron Rose, would be walking through a wooden broken door into a crazy messed up house with people drinking beer everywhere.

But yet I stood with Bella in the door waiting to go in. In the hour before she had managed to apply a lot of makeup on me and we found a low cut dark blue dress to put on me that matched my pale eyes. And We curled my blond waves.

I'll admit, I looked hot. Bella opted for a strapless green dress. She had her brown locks up in a twist.

I glanced around the room of Ryan's house. It was a horrid mess. A nearly drunk idiot came up to the door to greet us. Or we thought. Until he ran behind us to the bushes.

"Why did I let you talk me into this?!" I nudged, nervous.

"Don't worry. We look hot." She said and strutted in.

I took one glance back before following inside.

I saw clusters of people from school. Some were talking off to the side, some were making out, and some were dancing to the blaring music which made it impossible to tell the song.

I was scanning the crowd for jake. I was nervous to be alone here but when I'm with him I felt more confident. When I noticed him leaning against the wall, red cup in hand, I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I blushed even though no one could tell.

He was wearing a loose denim shirt with dark pants. His hair was messed up In a cute way.

He turned to where I was standing and have a cute half smile before noticing my outfit. I swear his jaw dropped for about a minute.

I blushed and smiled. I started walking over to where he was when some guy tapped my shoulder and handed me a red cup filled with beer. I had no intention of drinking it. I was about to turn around and walk to jake when the guy started talking. "Want to dance?"

I studied him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Looked like a California surfer. He must be new. I'll admit he was cute.

I turned over to where jake was. He had a frown on his face while he glanced at me. That's odd.

He's making me very confused. I was about to decline to talk to jake when Lauren pushed herself on him and started kissing him.

It startled everyone at the party but people were living the "to drunk to care" motto.

I was upset and confused at the same time. And I felt a little.. Dare I say it? Jealous.

"Let's dance." I said and raised the red cup to take a sip.


"I'm Kyle." He said and smiled. I nodded along to the song and kept searching around for Jake.

"Cameron." I responded.

We had been dancing for 20 minutes in the crowd. I was filling a whole new side of me. I wanted to make him jealous. I didn't have time to analyze why I was jealous, I just wanted to.

I finally spotted him sitting on a couch staring at me. Draped under his arm was Lauren in her purple dress, talking to a crowd of guys and girls.

There was a sea of people between us but somehow there was a crack of a straight line from my view to his.

He swung another sip and kept staring. It wasn't his normal, intrigued stare. It was a mad or jealous stare.

I slightly lifted one eyebrow so he could tell that I'd seen him. He crinkled his eyebrows and looked down as if trying to decide something.

With one last look I turned to Kyle. "So who's the guy you are trying make jealous?" He asked grinning.


He have me a knowing smirk. "He's just my friend." I said.

"Well do you want it to be more?"

I shrugged and looked over to where jake was sitting on the torn up blue couch. Exept he wasn't sitting, he was getting up and starting to walk outside.

"I'll be right back." I stuttered and went after him outside.


"Jake," I called out after him. He stopped and turned around.

We were walking down a cobble path in the back yard. People were outside but not down here. Ryan lived across the river behind my house so I could see my house where I sometimes walk through to get back home.

"Hey.." He said. "Do you want to go and talk? It's kinda loud in there."

"Agreed." I scanned the area for a place to sit and talk before the idea hit me. "Follow me." I instructed.

I took him behind the trees to the spot. The spot where I can relax. The spot where I can think. The spot where I'm almost positive he followed me the first day of school.

"Looks familiar, huh?" I joked.

He bite back his lip. I laughed.

It was like everything was fine. It is fine. Well I kept telling myself. We sat down the bench. It was dark out but I could still make out his features. Except now, It was like I was seeing them in a whole new light.

His perfectly messy brown hair, his green eyes which now I realized were gorgeous. Especially with the moon reflecting into them. And his half smile now just made we want to melt. I could stare and admire--

Oh my god. I cannot be falling for jake. I just can't.

But as I glanced up at him and felt my heart flutter I knew it was too late. I was already falling and just waiting for the crash that I knew, always comes.

Hey guys! I know I said I would update 3 days ago but I wanted to find the best final cast and names for people! Next chapter there's a new character!

Comment thoughts!!!❤️❤️❤️


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