Therapeutic Chain Of Events

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When Luna reached the lavatory, she heard retching noises coming from one of the stalls.

There was no doubt as to who that was.

"Mione?" the girl called upon knocking on the sliding door. "Are you sick?"

There was a flush, then the brunette opened the door. She looked extremely pale. She stumbled to the sink to rinse her mouth.

"Oh Luna, yes, but it's not a magical virus or anything..." Hermione blurted when she turned off the water.

"Oh so you didn't digest yesterday's meatloaf? I'll admit it was too salty..." the blonde babbled.

"No... Luna, I think I might be pregnant." Hermione finally breathed.

Luna couldn't suppress a gasp.
"What? Are you sure?" She asked.

Hermione nodded, holding on to the washbasin for support. "Since I wasn't getting my period, I took about twenty tests, magical and muggle, and they all turned out to be positive."

"Oh Merlin, what if I am pregnant, too? I haven't had my period in a while." The Ravenclaw voiced her concerns.

The Gryffindor girl couldn't repress a laugh. "Oh, Luna, you're a funny one. It's impossible for you to be pregnant if you're having intercourse with a girl."

Luna seemed to think about it, then she sighed, relieved.

In that moment, Luna's girlfriend rushed into the bathroom. "Mione? Are you alright?" she asked, out of breath.

"Oh, no, she's got a bun in the oven!" Luna tittered excitedly, earning a look of a thousand deaths.

"Don't blurt it out like this, thanks!" Hermione hissed.

Ginny covered her mouth with her hands.

If Hermione had been pregnant, she would have become an aunt. The thought made her feel excited, although she tried to conceal her enthusiasm- she didn't know whether the news would be positive for her brother or Hermione herself.

"Is that a good thing?" the redhead asked, putting a comforting hand on Hermione's forearm.

"I don't know," the brunette sighed, "Ho do you think your brother would react?"

Ginny noticed her friend's hopeful yet scary look. She didn't know, if she had to be honest. Although, her brother wasn't certainly known for being the bravest man the Wizarding World had even seen. The chances of him running away were high.

"Well, I'm not sure he would rejoice, but I guess you could tell him? I mean, if you're planning on keeping it..." The redhead suggested.

"I'll think about it... For now, keep it under your hat. Especially you, Luna." Hermione demanded.

"I won't say anything, people who don't keep secrets get bitten by Domodils." said Luna.

If the girl ever brought up magical beasts, it meant she was serious.

That night, Luna couldn't sleep.
She wondered how her girlfriend could be fast asleep, not in the least bothered by what had happened only hours before.
The fact that she was wrapped into her lover's arms probably helpef lull her away.
Luna was not so lucky because something was eating away at her guts.
It was the fact that she had sworn secrecy on Hermione's condition.
Keeping secrets wasn't Luna's favourite thing to do, as it never came easy to her.
At dinner, when she had seen Ron, she'd had a compulsory urge to yell 'your girlfriend is pregnant!' in his face, but she suppressed it.
Domodils had no mercy on people who didn't keep their word.
And, besides, she had promised Hermione that her secret was safe with her.
Ginny should have had a worse time than her, since Ron was her own brother, but that wasn't the case.
The morning after, at breakfast, Luna tried to avoid looking Ron in the eyes.
Harry and Draco didn't know about it, either, so she had to keep it from them as well.
She opted to keep her eyes on Ginny. It didn't raise suspicion, as she would often spend minutes staring in awe at her girlfriend's beauty.
Hermione's discomfort, however, didn't go unnoticed.
"Babe, are you sure that this is only due to the NEWTs stress?" A worried Ron asked.
When the girls went back under the tree, they had all reassured him that Hermione had suffered a panic attack for the excessive stress she was in and she had been sick as a consequence.
"Yes, it's no big deal. Sorry if I ever lash out you... I don't really mean to." His girlfriend simply said, giving him an apologetic look.
"But you could at least let me help you release the tension..." Ron suggested.
Draco thought that he had somehow read his mind on the day before.
And that was the best medicine for stress, it had worked for Harry.
Hermione couldn't prevent her cheeks from becoming as red as a beetroot.
"No, Ron, I don't need distractions... I have to study... And you should too. Tell you what, you go to the library to save our seats, I'll  meet you there in a bit, ok? Then we can finish the Potions assignment before our class starts."
Ron nodded his head, then he rose to his feet, bent slightly to give his girlfriend a peck on the cheek and, ultimately, he left.
Hermione suddenly began sweating profusely.
"Oh, dear, Mione, are you Ok?" Harry questioned as he noticed it.
Hermione took a deep breath, all while her eyes were shut.

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