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  A flashback occur through the mind of the masked man as he remembers how broken he has seen Taeyong was before.

  He remembers the night when he held the boy tight in his hand, comforting the crying boy. Nothing seems to matter to him as he told the boy sweet little honey coated words that dripped down with tears as he remembers watching Taeyong shivering and crying talking about his misery.

  Taeyong's parents left him with a big debt to clear, and forever leaving his sight. Now the broken boy has no where to go, but to only work and pay the dealers.

  He remembers the smaller boy telling him about how before tragedy struck, he was beyond delighted, almost everything was perfect.

  A lot of things has happened, even though right now Taeyong is going to end up with someone else, it kills him so much.

  Flower petals fell down as he feel the pain forming up in his chest once again.

  Hanahaki is a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love.

  It can only be cured when the person love you back or you get it surgically removed.

  The masked man ignore the pain that was starting to build up, he picked up the shattered glass that was all over the floor and place the picture back on the table top.

  He cleared up everything and clean the wounds, "I guess blood still triggers the change."

  Taking a deep breathe he held the photo he had of him and Taeyong close to his chest. It was a photo he took with Taeyong at a nearby shop while they were just strolling around the city.

  He love Taeyong, however if loving someone hurt this much he wish he can stop. He should have stop long ago.

  I'm sorry I didn't listen to my brain and follow me heart.


  "Please Ten help me! I don't know what to do, do I just wear this black shirt and jeans or this white shirt and jeans!" Taeyong panicked as he ran into Ten room, asking his best friend for some advice.

  Ten chuckled at Taeyong's cuteness, shushing him and pat him on the back."It's going to be fine, it's not like your meeting you future mother in-law. You're just going for a date."

  Taeyong sigh as he nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck. He never picture a day where he and Jaehyun will be going out on a date together. Of course, he will be this nervous.

  However he is glad, and beyond something words can explain. He felt as in the universe opened up a whole different portal for him and his life is slowly becoming better.

  Taeyong smiled at his friend once again for helping him, as he took the black shirt and jeans.

  Once changing into it, Ten immediately showered him with compliments. "Gosh Taeyong, how are you even allowed to look good in everything!"

  Taeyong laughed at the comment, and shrugged his shoulder. Taking his wallet and phone, he wore his sneakers and head out the door not forgetting to say goodbye to his friend.

  On the other hand, Jaehyun wasn't one bit worried or nervous. As it seems like Doyoung is more nervous then he is.

  "No no no, this shirt won't be nice. Oh my gosh why do you have such little choice. What's wrong with your fashion sense." Doyoung said as he fished around Jaehyun closet finding the appropriate outfit.

  Jaehyun sigh, as he picked out a casual tee and shorts in all black. Leaving Doyoung in the bedroom as he went to change.

"Are you serious. You're just going to wear that?" Doyoung asked as he looked at Jaehyun, shaking his head disapprovingly.

  Jaehyun nod his head, as he watched Doyoung gave out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry, this is your date. It's just that, I don't want my best friend to mess this up. You always mess up in school going to detention. Don't try to disadmit that."

  "I know, I know. But don't worry, I will be fine. I won't mess this up, I promise. Thank you for helping me." Jaehyun said as he wore his shoe exiting the house.

  "Oh no what should I say when he reach here!" Taeyong exclaim as he fidget around his seat, worrying about what he should do.

  "You won't have to say anything at all babe, we can just look at each other through out the entire date." Jaehyun said he he mentally cringe at his words.

  However, Taeyong couldn't help but blush. He face reddened as he look down, facing his lap as in it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

  He face flushed a darker red as he felt Jaehyun's presence beside him. Jaehyun placed his hand around Taeyong's shoulder pulling him closer.

  Taeyong felt a certain kind of warmth in his heart, the very same as he remembered reaching out to the masked man.

  Taeyong can feel Jaehyun's grip tighten around his should as if Jaehyun has always done this. It was comfortable.

  "Thank you for giving me a chance." Taeyong said in a small voice as he placed his head on Jaehyun's shoulders.

  As the both of them watch the sun setting, turning the sky into a beautiful orange colour.

  They don't need no fancy dates, a cliché one works for them. Just having one another presence was already the biggest joy the both of them can receive.

"Thank you for giving me a chance too."


Hello, everyone!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I was suppose to post on Sunday but I didn't have the time to write so here you go~ I hope you enjoy this cliché chapter. You might be a bit confuse on the masked man part, but don't worry it will be explain soon. Meanwhile you guys can have a fun time guessing!!!





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