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  "Taeyong, do you really like me?" Jaehyun asked still unsure that the boy he come to love is really beside him having their first date. "Yes Jaehyun, I really love you."

  Taeyong gave Jaehyun a peck on the cheeks, assuring the younger. "Aish, I sound like an insecure lover." Jaehyun replied, face turning red in the process.

  Taeyong chuckled, pulling Jaehyun into a hug while he buried he face at the crook of Jaehyun's neck. "Don't worry, Jaehyunie. I will forever love you!"

  Taeyong heart was beating faster, the world around him seems to slow down. He saw the man he was suppose to kill slowly making his way to him.

  "I never expected you to like me actually. Since, I look like a loser in school." Taeyong said shyly looking up at Jaehyun who was just smiling at him, showing his dimples.

  Taeyong poke his dimples, "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." Jaehyun started laughing as he pulled Taeyong closer.

  "Are you kidding me, of course I will fall for you. You're a whole package, I will be an idiot if I didn't notice how cute you act around people." Jaehyun kissed Taeyong's forehead. "I will remind you that every night, my love."

  Taeyong felt his heart tearing apart, he wants to run away. He can't do it, he can't hurt the guy in front of him right now. The man's warmth, makes his entire cold body feel alive.

  However, this doesn't feel right to him. It felt different he doesn't know why. He stood there confuse.

  "Taeyong, what if one day I tell you I have another side to me. He loves you too, who will you choose. Me or him?" Jaehyun asked looking into Taeyong's eyes. "You."

  "I will choose you of course silly, I know you better. I wouldn't know your other side." Jaehyun give an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah you're right."

  "Taeyong, thank god you're okay! I miss you so much. Let's get you out of here alright, I will settle Jaehyun's father. Win win, bring him out." the man in front of him spoke.

  "Wait aren't you, Jaehyun?" Taeyong asked coldly not remember receiving any information about him having a twin.

  "Nope that's the masked man that's always coming to save your ass, and his the alter ego of Jaehyun." Lucas replied, looking at the masked man cheekily.

  The masked man pushed Lucas's hand away which was currently on his shoulder, he turned back looking at Taeyong. Something wasn't right.

  Taeyong seems to look, blank and emotionless. He wasn't terrified anymore. "Taeyong did they do anything to you?"

  "No they didn't." once again Taeyong replied coldly. The masked had an urge to continue asking but decided to keep his mouth shout, he signal Win win to bring Taeyong away. "Let's go Taeyong."

  "Alright, I guess we have to go and take down some bastard." Jungwoo said looking at Lucas, the masked man had already been running trying to find Mr Jung.

  He took a few swift turns, however none of the room he thought Jaehyun's father will be in, was there.

  By now his senses was sharp, he thought carefully. "The weapon room. He must be there." Lucas and Jungwoo gulped and shivered. "That doesn't sound good."

  The masked man ran, taking the short cut. Not long he reach the room, with the both of them trailing him. Opening the door, a voice was heard.

  "Well well well, I guess you found me." Mr Jung spoke, however he was no where to be seen. Two guards from behind close the door, before walking to the back turning on the light.

  In front of them was Ten and Kun tied up, kneeling down. Blood trickered down their body, soaking the clothes. Scars and shocks were definetly visible through their tattered clothes.

  "I was wondering, how did most of my guards disappear. Realising that this two bastard betrayed me." Mr Jung said kicking Kun and Ten down making them fall to the ground.

  "Powerful, to kill all my guards. Brave I shall say. However, I doubt any of us are going to survive today." Mr Jung face crook up to a sinister smile. "Isn't that right my child?"

  "I'm not your child!" the masked man shouted, tears were threatening to come out. His body slowly felt fear, remembering what happened when Jaehyun was young.

  "Papa, will mummy ever come back?" Jaehyun ask his father as the both of them watch the woman taking the luggage away.

  "No my son, it's just going to be the two of us. Don't worry, as your father I will take care of you." Mr Jung spoke, with a warm smile.

  "Poke Poke. Papa you have dimples like me!" Jaehyun said letting out a giggle, making his father smile brighter.

  He remembers his early childhood when everything was fine, until his mother left. Young and naive at that time he thought he mother was gone for a vacation.

  "Get up!" Mr Jung shouted at his son which was only 7 at that time. "Papa please, it hurts."

  "Oh my poor son, don't worry. I won't be hurting you after this, soon another boy that's heartless will come out of you and I will be making him do all this dirty job instead of you." Mr Jung spoke, never does he want his son to carry on doing the job that he does.

  However, as sinister as his mind works he decided to force a monster out of Jaehyun to make the monster work instead.

"There all, complete. Heartless, never show mercy. When I train you to kill you destroy them for me." The small boy nod his head, causing blood to fall down.

  From that day on, he was created to kill. That doesn't change the fact that Jaehyun's is still him, inside of him. His sharing a body with the sweetest boy ever.

  The sweetest boy that figure out being evil would be better, is him.

  "Taeyong, proceed to kill."


Thank you everyone for reading this new chapter, I'm sorry if it isn't good as you expect it to be. However, thanks for taking your time to read it. I hope you enjoyed it! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️




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