Chapter One

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*Before I begin the story I want to put out a trigger Warning for this chapter that it involves graphic descriptions of a brutal rape scene. I would not recommend reading this chapter if this kind of stuff triggers you in any sort of way. Other than that enjoy the story if you decide you want to read it.

Jake Paul and Logan Paul were in Ohio visiting their cousin for the week and staying at his place. Their father Greg came along to see his nephew, but to also visit his close friends he rarely sees anymore. It was midnight and was the last night the Paul's were staying in Ohio before flying back to LA. Greg was out at his friend's house, their cousin was spending the night at his girlfriend's house, and Logan was at one of his friend's house party, so Jake was home alone...or so he thought. He turned on his bedroom light and walked into the room. From all of a sudden he heard his bedroom door slam behind him. He spun around and saw his brother Logan standing there eyes full of rage. Jake was surprised that Logan was home already, but he was confused on why.

"Dude what the fuck?!" Jake shouted angrily. Logan walked closer to Jake and said in an angry tone "hey little brother, how's it goin?"

His breath reeked with alcohol. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Jake asked. Logan laughed and slapped Jake across the face.

"What's wrong?! Oh nothing... except for the fact you're stealing my fans!" Logan hissed.

"Dude, you're fucking drunk" said Jake.

"It's true! I mean yeah I'm still ahead of you as always, but you're catching up to me and I'm losing subscribers!"

Jake decided to mess with Logan and say "Well, maybe they're starting to realize that I'm the better brother. I'd love to lay back and see me finally beating you".

Logan cackled menacingly and said, "Oh Jake, you think you can take that away from me? Well just remember how much I've taken from you. And I'm about to take more... so you'll know your place".

Logan was getting way too close and Jake was internally starting to freak out now. Jake's back was now right against the wall near the bed while Logan was inches away from him hovering over him.

Jake nervously chuckled and said, "Alright, you're drunk. Get out of my room before you say anything else that's stupid." Jake tried to get around Logan, but before he could Logan harshly slammed Jake's back against the wall.

"Logan I'm serious get out!" Jake shouted and pushed Logan. The push wasn't hard enough to push Logan away.

Suddenly Logan cupped Jake's crotch with his hand and said "I'm serious too Jake. I'm very serious".

Jake's eyes widened and he gasped once Logan cupped his crotch. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME! YOU'RE BEING GAY!" Jake hissed with panic in his voice.

Jake was hoping this was just some sick prank and that Logan wasn't going to... rape him. Logan pushed his body onto Jake's and began to grind himself on him and whispered, "What's wrong Jake? Are you scared big brother's gonna take something else away from you?"

"LOGAN THIS ISN'T FUNNY! IT WAS JUST A JOKE!" Jake panicked while struggling underneath Logan. Suddenly Logan grabbed Jake by the collar and harshly bent his body over on to his bed while leaning behind him and keeping him from escaping.

Logan leaned into Jake's ear and whispered, "I'm sure it was Jake, but this is my joke". Suddenly Logan yanked Jake's pants and boxers down. Jake jolted up in attempt to escape, but Logan pushed him back down.

That's when Jake realized Logan was serious about this, and couldn't contain his fear anymore. "LOGAN PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! I'M YOUR BROTHER!" Jake begged with tears in his eyes.

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