Chapter Twenty-Three

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The squad was shocked that Jake had posted a video... but was it really Jake? Chad and Anthony were watching the video on twitter, Erika was watching it on Jake's Instagram story, and Logan was watching it on YouTube.

The video was titled "sex education". It started out with Jake laying on a bed naked and unconscious with his hands tied behind his back. The squad gasped at this, but still proceeded to watch.

"Good morning Jake Paulers" said a creepy male voice behind the camera which was Carl. Carl began to caress Jake's body while holding the camera. "Today's video is gonna be a little bit different and more... educational". His hand moved down to Jake's dick and began to play with it.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Logan said angrily.

"Now I know most of you guys are young, so that's why I think it's best for all you Jake Paulers out there to start learning about sex" Carl uttered. "The first technique I'm gonna show you is called the sleeping slut. So what you're gonna do first is play with their's and your junk at the same time so you can get turned on" Carl uttered.

Carl began to pump Jake's dick with his hand and then his own dick. Once he was hard, Carl spread Jake's legs out and recorded Jake's hole. "Now if you're a boy, the next step is to loosen up the hole you're gonna put your cock in whether it's a pussy or an asshole. If you're a girl you can always use your fingers or a dildo. But for the boys, you wanna make sure to loosen the hole up a little first before shoving your cock in. He's already a little looser since we put a butt-plug in him last night, but I'll show you how to loosen the hole" Carl explained.

The squad all had tears in their eyes as they watched Carl fingering Jake with three fingers. They were all filled with rage, but no one as much as Logan.

After Carl stopped fingering Jake, he walked away from him and put the camera on a tripod stand. They could finally see Carl, he was tall, fat, and hairy and had a robber mask over his face. Once he walked back over to Jake, his naked body was now visible. He got on the bed and hovered over Jake.

"Now... it's time for the fun part. Make sure you spread their legs out wide and place your cock or sex toy up against the hole" Carl said while kicking Jake's legs apart and placing his cock against Jake's hole.

"And then you shove it in... aaah... god... yes!" Carl shouted as he shoved his dick inside of Jake's hole. That's when Carl began to make his thrusts inside of Jake.

The squad had tears streaming down their cheeks as they kept watching the video.

"Oh my god... this is fucking sick!" Chad spat in disgust.

"I don't get how a person could be okay with raping someone, and especially record it and post it online!" Anthony cried.

A couple minutes later, Jake in the video was starting to return to consciousness. "Well, it looks like my little girl just woke up. That butt-plug didn't loosen you up as much as I'd wanted it to... you have a tight little hole" Carl said and chuckled.

Erika began to cry watching Jake being treated like this. "W-We'll find you Jake" Erika said while crying.

A moment later, another man walked in the bedroom in the video. He was also wearing a robber mask, but he was skinny and pale. This of course was Don.

"I'm glad our princess is awake" Don uttered while fondling Jake's dick. Jake turned to the other side to turn away from Don, but was shocked once he saw a camera on a tripod stand recording them. "I thought we'd let the Jake Paulers join us... aren't I so thoughtful?" Don said wickedly and laughed at Jake.

The squad could tell that Jake's whole world shattered once he saw that he was being recorded. He would rather die than have the whole world witness him being raped.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he stared at the camera while Carl was raping him. This made the whole squad cry. A moment later Jake passed out again and not long after that Carl came inside of Jake.

"I'm going to break his spine" Logan said with rage.

Both Carl and Don looked at the camera and grinned wickedly. We'll see you in our next lesson. That's when the screen went black, but started recording again a moment later. The squad all panicked at what they saw. This time Jake was in the basement, but he was naked and tied to a bench on his stomach. Jake was conscious during this part and was sobbing. There were 5 men that began to surround Jake which included Carl and Don.

"Hello again Jake Paulers, this time Jake will actually be awake. Usually in Jake's vlogs we talk about the merch, but who needs merch when you have Jakey here to be on your body" Don said sadistically while caressing Jake's back.

"Listen to me, whether you're a Jake Pauler or not please stop watching this! I don't want you guys to see this! Please go get help! PLEASE HELP ME!" Jake shouted at the camera.

Suddenly Don slammed his hand over Jake's mouth which muffled Jake's sobs. "Shhh-shhh-shh... don't shove your fans away Jakey. We're just teaching them some normal sex education like... how to use a whore like you" Don whispered even though everyone could hear it.

Jake let out squeaky muffles as he felt the other men's hands caress his body. "You're In for a treat tonight slut... maybe if you pretend it's big brother Logan's dick in your ass you might actually get hard" Don said and chuckled. That's when Don took his hand off of Jake's mouth, but before Jake could speak one of the men out a ring gag in his mouth keeping Jake's mouth open.

Don grabbed the camera and began to show the horrible acts. Each of the men had took turns with brutally raping Jake's mouth and ass. Jake passed out a couple of times from suffocation because the men wouldn't pull their dicks out of Jake's mouth to give him a chance to breathe. At one point there were three dicks in his ass and two in his mouth.

After the men came inside of Jake's ass and mouth, they began to beat Jake with their monstrous hands and burn him with cigarettes. They did that for ten minutes until they finally did the worst.

The men would brutally shove things up Jake's hole and fuck him with those object. They didn't use just  vibrators and dildos, but hot a crowbar, knives, a broomstick, and they tased his hole. What was just as horrible as watching these gruesome events was hearing Jake's blood curdling screams.

Logan, Erika, Chad, and Anthony were all sobbing their eyes out and screaming.

"NOOOO! JAKE!" Erika wailed. Logan held her while trying not to go berserk.

After what seemed like forever, the men finally stopped their torture and laughed at Jake who was sobbing and shaking with blooding dripping out of his hole.

"That was fun, he was definitely an amazing fuck" said one of the men. All of the men agreed and Don put the camera in Jake's face who was sobbing and trying to avoid eye contact with the camera.

"Well that's it for today Jake Paulers, I hope you guys liked the show. Leave a comment on what we should fuck Jake with next time" Don said and chuckled. He lifted Jake's head up so he could look at him. Jake's red puffy tear stained eyes stared at the camera as he was sobbing.

"And remember, it's everyday bro... isn't that right Jakey?" Don uttered sinisterly. Jake didn't answer, but just continued to sob and that's when the video ended.

The squad was sobbing loudly and traumatized at what they just watched. They read the comments of the videos of Jake Paulers who were very concerned and panicked by this. There were already kids and teens making videos about it in which they were sobbing and having panic attacks about it. In one video, a girl couldn't stop screaming and her parents ran into her room.


Anthony ran over to Logan and comforted him trying to calm him down even though he was sobbing himself.

"W-What are we gonna do?!" Erika cried.

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