Chapter Ten

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Logan opened his eyes feeling a little lightheaded. As his vision began to clear up he scanned around himself and became aware of his surroundings. He noticed that he was in a broken, dark, and eerie abandoned warehouse. A minute later, he realized that he was tied to a chair with rope and had duct tape over his mouth.

Everything hit Logan all at once when he began to remember he was attacked in his car. Logan began to panic and thrash behind his bonds and let out muffled screams. A moment later, Logan heard footsteps coming from behind him. He tried to look behind himself, but the bonds made it hard for him to do so.

As the footsteps got closer, the people finally came into view and there were 4 men. One was tall and skinny, another one had a huge blonde Afro, another one had long brown hair and a beard, and the last one was a chubby man who seemed to be the leader of the pack.

The chubby man threw the last part of his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it while chuckling at Logan's fear. "Wow look at you" the chubby man said while walking closer to Logan.

Logan's heart began to race as the man invaded his personal bubble. The chubby man got down on Logan's level and was inches away from his face. "You are such a beauty" he said while caressing Logan's cheek. Logan began to breathe heavy from being nervous. Suddenly the chubby guy took deep sniffs inhaling the scent of Logan's hair and smiled sinisterly.

Logan was getting really creeped out now. "You smell amazing" said the creepy guy. Then he made his way down to Logan's neck and ran his wet tongue along the sensitive skin. Logan closed his eyes and cringed muffling behind his gag a little.

A minute later, the chubby guy stopped licking Logan's neck and glared right into Logan's eyes again. "And you taste delicious" the chubby man whispered on the tape over Logan's lips.

"I bet his ass feels nice and tight too" said the Afro guy. All the guys chuckled.

"I bet it does, but remember... we need him" said the chubby guy. He turned his attention back to Logan and said "Okay, I'm gonna remove the tape, but if you scream....there will be serious consequences... understand?" The chubby guy explained. Logan nervously nodded his head and then the chubby guy ripped the tape off of Logan's mouth.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want from me?!" Logan panicked. The chubby guy laughed at Logan's fear.

"Well I'm Charles" said the chubby man. "That's Lenny" He said pointing to the tall skinny guy. "And that's Ash" he pointed to the blonde Afro guy. "And that's Kent" he said pointing to the long haired guy.

"You see Logan, we really...really.... REALLY don't like your brother, and that's why we need you" Charles exclaimed.

"What, Jake?! What the fuck did he ever do to you guys? And what's it got to do with me?!" Logan questioned.

"Well... Because of him my little brother Mac will be in prison for 4 years! All because he stole his favorite car! It's not like he has other cars he owns... oh wait, he fucking does! Jake is an ungrateful brat who always gets his way! And since he put my little brother in jail... he's gonna pay!"

"Um... your brother stole more than just Jake's car! And Jake is not spoiled! He had to work his ass off to get where he is today! I still don't understand what the fuck this has to do with me!"

"We know what you did to Jake Logan".

"What the hell are you talking about?"

That's when Lenny walked up to him with an IPad in his hands and pressed play on the screen showing Logan a video. In the video, it showed Jake and Logan inside of his house and Logan was shocked at what he saw. He was forcing his dick into Jake's mouth. "Oh my God... Jake I'm so sorry" Logan whispered as tears ran down his cheeks.

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