Chapter Twenty-One

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Jake slowly opened his heavy eyes. He had a hard time keeping them open at first, but then he finally got the hang of it. He turned his head around and became aware of his surroundings. Jake was in a creepy, freezing, and old basement. He couldn't help but notice how familiar this place looked until a minute later he remembered. He was in the same place that all of Don's victims were raped and murdered in the pictures he had on his phone.

"Oh my god! OH MY GOD! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! HELP!" Jake screamed while pulling at his bonds. He looked down and noticed that he was completely naked. "NO! PLEASE! NOT AGAIN! I DON'T WANNA BE RAPED AGAIN! I DON'T WANNA DIE! WHY GOD?! WHY?!"

Suddenly Jake heard the basement door open and footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Carl and Don. Jake could finally see Don's face clearly. He had auburn hair with bright green eyes. He was about 44 years old and was actually good looking, but his eyes showed something sinister... identical to a sociopaths'.

Both Carl and Don laughed at Jake struggling behind his bonds. They both walked up to Jake and began to caress his naked body with their cold hands. Jake gasped at the touch and threw his head back. "N-No p-please!" Jake begged. That's when Carl harshly grabbed Jake's face and turned his head so they can look at each other.

"What's wrong slut? You afraid your daddies will go rough on you?" Carl teased Jake while continuing to caress his body.

"FUCK OFF  YOU DISGUSTING PERVERT!" Jake spat back. Suddenly Carl slapped Jake across his face which made him yelp in pain. Jake felt someone grab his hair and yank his head back.... it was Don.

"You need to be a good little girl and be nice to your daddies or else you'll be severely punished" Don whispered sinisterly in Jake's ear. Even though Jake could probably take down Don, he was so frightened of him. There was just something wicked about him that would make anyone's skin crawl.

Don released his grip on Jake and his head flew forward. "H-How did you find me?" Jake asked nervously.

"Well... the masked man on that livestream said your name and that you were famous. So after you escaped from me, I googled you and watched your videos, your posts, your pictures... they were very pleasant to jerk off to" Don exclaimed and then laughed.

"God you're sick!"

"You sounds just like my son, but it makes me hard when it comes out of your mouth".

"Why? Why me?!"

"Why not? I mean look at you... you're a hunk! If I looked like you I'd have an STD by how many people would fuck that tight juicy ass because of how captivating it is".

"Stop! Stop referring to me as if I'm just some sex toy! I'm a human being!"

"Oh really? If your such a "human" then why did your brother Logan try to sell you as a sex slave?"

That's when Jake froze. How the fuck did Don know about this? "W-What? What the fuck are you talking about?!" Jake panicked which made Don chuckle.

"I saw you had a brother named Logan. And well... he definitely looks like he'd be an amazing toy I'd ram my cock into all the time. I watched his videos and recognized that voice. That's when I knew that he was the masked man from the livestream... and the faggot that punched me!" Don exclaimed.

Jake didn't know how to respond to that. Both because of the foul language and because he figured it out so easily.

"Come on Don, I wanna play with our new toy!" Carl begged eagerly. Don chuckled and said "okay, but first I have to take a picture".

That's when Don got his phone out and held out his phone about to take a picture. "Okay, smile Jake!" Don said in a sinister cheerful voice. Jake ignored Don's directions and just stared at the ground. "I SAID SMILE!" But Jake still ignored him.

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