Chapter Twenty

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Jake's eyes began to slowly open, but he was still having a hard time keeping them open. He felt very groggy and realized he was on some old beaten down couch. Jake tried his hardest to keep his eyes open and slowly and shakily he began to sit up.

Not long after that, a couple of men walked into the room and freaked out once they saw Jake getting up. "Oh shit he's waking up! It's not time yet!" Shouted the fat guy.

"Quickly get the syringe!" Don ordered. The fat guy quickly ran off to find the syringe they used earlier to knock Jake out.

"W-What?" Jake groggily stuttered while slowly starting to become aware of his surroundings.

A moment later the fat guy returned with the syringe filled with liquid and handed it to Don. "This is the last bit we have, it might take longer, but hopefully it's enough to knock him out" said the fat guy. Don chuckled and said "oh believe me... it will".

That's when Don walked over to Jake and yanked his head back. Jake yelped in pain as his head was pulled back and the syringe pierced his neck which shot the liquid inside of him.

As soon as Don pulled out, Jake began to feel sluggish and his world became hazy. Jake tried to stay sitting up, but his body wouldn't allow it and he fell to the ground.

The two other men laughed at this. "Come on lets take him upstairs" Don said. That's when the fat guy put his arms underneath Jake's armpits and Don grabbed Jake's legs and the men lifted him off of the ground and began to carry him up the stairs.

As Jake was being carried up the stairs, his vision was starting to become more blurry and his eyes became heavier. "N....NNNN..." Jake tried speaking, but failed. Once again the men laughed at him.

When they finally reached the bedroom, they threw Jake onto the bed and hovered over him. "Damn, can't wait to have my way with him" said the fat guy.

"Me too Carl... me too" said Don.

Jake's whole world was spinning and his limbs refused to cooperate with him. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't make out any words.

"What should we use on him tonight? Should we shove anything foreign up him?" Carl asked and chuckled.

Don chuckled back and said "yes, I was hoping to make it interesting since he's a celebrity".

"How long are we gonna keep him alive?"

"I guess until we get bored of playing with him".

Jake was struggling to keep himself awake by each second. "A-Ah... Ah.... Ah" was all that Jake could spit out of his mouth.

"Shhhhhh... go to sleep Jakey... it's not time for you to join us yet" Don whispered to Jake while caressing his cheek. Don leaned into Jake's neck and inhaled his scent and licked the sensitive skin. "You smell and taste... amazing".

"A-Ah.... A-Ah... Ah" Jake managed to spit out while slowly and shakily moving his hand up to push Don away, but he was too weak.

"Shhhhhhh..... Shhhhhh... don't speak.... just relax Jakey... just shut those heavy eyes and sleep" Don whispered to Jake again and slowly pushed his hand down to his side.

Then suddenly, Carl grabbed Jake's pants and boxers and said "he won't be needing these anymore". That's when Carl pulled down Jake's pants and boxers and took them off.

"Ah... A-Ah.... Ah" Jake managed to spit out. Carl began to caress Jake's leg and then began to fondle his dick and balls.

"Sleep Jake... Sleep" Carl whispered while fondling Jake.

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