Chapter Seven

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*Warning * there is another rape scene in this chapter... poor Jake :'(. Other than that enjoy the chapter!

Jake put a smile on his face and vlogged even though he was dying inside. Anthony and Erika stayed positive for the vlog, but as soon as it had ended they avoided Jake. He tried talking to them, but he was just ignored. Everyone else avoided Jake as well since most likely Erika and Anthony told everyone about what happened earlier that morning.

Jake hated being the black sheep of the crowd. He felt so alone and hated, but he knew he set himself up for that. It was night time and Jake was sitting outside by the pool alone. Erika didn't want him to sleep with her tonight which he understood why, so he was out longer than usual. A few moments later, Jake gets a call from Logan.

"Hello?" Jake answered the call.

"J-Jake!" Logan sobbed.

"Logan what's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Jake asked worriedly.

"Chloe and I broke up! I can't deal with this... I wanna kill myself!"

"Logan stop! Don't talk like that! I'm on my way over! Is anyone there with you?!"

"N-No, I'm by myself".

A moment later, Jake heard Logan drinking something at the other end of the phone. His heart instantly pounded like a drum. He knew that Logan was drinking himself and that he was about to go berserk.

"Wh-When do you think you'll be here?" Logan sniffled. That's when Jake jumped out of his trance and back into reality. He was so terrified of what could happen to him, but then he remembered the promise he made to himself. No matter what the cost was Jake would support his brother even if that meant getting used or abused.

"I'll be there in about 15 minutes. You should stop drinking Logan, you know how you get when you're drunk" Jake responded.

"But it hurts so much!" Logan wailed.

"I know Logan, but you can't do this to yourself!"

"Okay, I'll try".

That's when the call ended and Jake got into one of his other nice cars and drove to Logan's house. Jake knew he had to get there fast before the alcohol kicked into Logan's system, but there had been a car accident that was holding up traffic.

About almost 30 minutes later, Jake arrived at Logan's house. He sprinted through the gate and headed towards the front door shakily ringing the doorbell.

He saw Kong sprinting towards the door with Logan stumbling behind him. "Oh fuck!" Jake screamed in his head. Logan struggled for a moment, but he eventually unlocked and opened the door.

"Wow, you're late!" Logan hissed.

"I know, sorry there was a lot of traffic on the way" Jake murmured while walking inside.

Logan slammed the door shut behind him which made Jake jump. Jake knew he was too late and that the good side of his brother was now gone.

"Yeeaaah fucking right!" Logan slurred. Jake ignored him and kept walking inside while Logan stumbled behind. He walked into the living room, but saw Logan struggling behind, so he put his arm around Logan's back to help him.

Suddenly, Logan smacked Jake's arm off of him and harshly squeezed his wrist which made Jake whimper.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Logan hissed.

"S-Sorry" Jake stuttered with tears in his eyes.

Logan chuckled at Jake's fear. "Are you scared Jakey?" Logan teased.

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