The Cyclops Cave

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Luke's POV


I heard Annabeth scream. She was only seven and i was fourteen so i felt like i had to protect her. I ran through the maze of metals and crates. I needed to help her.

To my right, left,front and back i could hear her screaming i turned a corner and say the biggest monster ever it only had one eye and i saw Thalia lying on the ground unconscious. I went to turn and run when i saw the Cyclops mouth move with Annabeth's voice

" Why are you leaving so soon Luke."

I turned but as i did the back of my head screamed in pain i fell to the floor and everything went black. A few minutes later i woke up i saw Annabeth standing next to me her eyes filled.with tears she was begging me not to die.

We were in the woods. I looked over and saw Thalia making a fire, she haf tears in her eyes and she was saying 'i can't lose Luke not like i lost Jason' i sat up i won't die Annabeth. Annabeth and Thalia embracede in a hug. Both were crying when they told me what happened i was shocked. Annabeth stabbed a Cyclops in the toe at seven.

Later that night we heard a rustling im the bushes then a boy abput Thalia's age stepped out Annabeth gasped. I grabed my golf club and Thalia tapped her bracelet.

" please i won't hurt you."

His eyes shot over to Thalia.

" your the daughter of Zeus. Thalia. Come woth me now i need to get you to camp "

We were all tense as he was explaining finally he said " I am Thalia's satyr".

It took a while for us to trust him but eventually we thought why not if the gods of Olympus are real why can't satyrs. That is how our trio got a satyr.

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