My Rant

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Okay I have a hoo facebook page (In Demigods We Trust) and I posted this

Blood of Olympus... was amazing. I have no complaints because I waited and waited and waited and waited for it to come out. and SPOILER ALERTS BELOW IF YOU HAVEN'T READ BOO DO NOT CONTINUE

Even though Leo died he came back. they ALL survived and guess what I am to happy about that for anything else to matter! But I am sick of 2 things in this fandom right now...

1. Solangelo EVERY facebook page I follow only talks on Solangelo. now i don't ship it but at the same time if i saw it every now and then or even 2-3 times a day i would deal with it. but EVERY single time someone is having a bad day they post "I'm having a bad day hope your is better. anyways here is some Solangelo to cheer you up" EVERY TIME!!!!! I mean I can deal with it if it was every now and then but i mean come on guys there is move to Percy Jackson then Nico and Will.

2. A lot of people complain that there was no Percy POV in BOO. Well there was no Hazel, Jason, OR Frank in MOA!!! But no one cares about that, Well let me enlighten you on the series titles:

PERCY JACKSON and the lightning thief

PERCY JACKSON and the sea of monsters

PERCY JACKSON and the titans curse

PERCY JACKSON and the battle of the labyrinth

PERCY JACKSON and the last Olympian

So this mean EVERY book was one PERCY JACKSON!!!!! Now the next series

The lost hero (HEROES of Olympus)

the son of Neptune (HEROES of Olympus)

the mark of Athena (HEROES of Olympus

the house of Hades(HEROES of Olympus)

the blood of Olympus (HEROES of Olympus)

Now... where in the titles of HEROES of Olympus did you see Percy Jackson? 

NO WHERE! Heroes of Olympus is about SEVEN half-bloods not Percy.

Now i am sorry this might have made you mad but think of it.. HEROES of Olympus is not only about Percy. it also is about Annabeth and Jason and Piper and Leo and Hazel and Frank. So can you guys please not bash BOO? i mean we did whine and complain for a year we didn't have it... so lets not argue on how bad it was. It isn't right in anyway.

Now thanks for reading my rant and please don't hate me. Have this pic ~Piper(a very upset and sad that she had to rant fangirl who asks for forgiveness encase she offended you)

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