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  Luke stared over at the new kid talking to Annabeth he had black hair and was kinda frumpy. Sure he killed the minotaur but Annabeth was special. My thoughts got all dissuzzled when Thalia came out of the Zeus cabin.

She was gorgeous. Her copy black hair, her leather jacket. Thalia headed over to me." Who's he"

"new kid. Nane is Peter Johnson i think."

(do you see what i did right.)

Thalia smiled at me. I was so happy we had been a couple for anout a week. Why I hadn't asked years ago no clue.

Thalia leaned in and kissed me. "See ya. He is to close to her" with that my girlfriend Thalia bounced down the hill... I asked her out by this hug tree and we shared our first kiss. What was so special about this tree.

With that Luke woke up. He was in the judging lines of thr E.Z death line. Luke woshed the fates had let his dream come true

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