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I finished "Blood of Olympus" I want to cry, laugh, die, and scream.

In honor of the end I made this ( I found most on the internet, and most of you have probably seen it but I added to it )

We caught the THIEF

We sailed the SEA

We fought the CURSE

We journeyed the LABYRINTH 

We meet the OLYMPIAN

We found the HERO

We meet the SON

We followed the MARK

We survived the HOUSE

We shed the BLOOD

But most of all.........

We feel their pain

We lived their past

We hate who they hate

We love who they love

We feel their joy

We feel their sorrow

We wish what they wish

We dream what they dream

We want what they want

We cry when they cry

We laugh when they laugh

and We died with every character that died.

THE FEELS. Also this next thing is what  character trades I have gotten/want because of these book

From Percy I want his loyalty, (and I have gotten his sass :D)

From Annabeth I want her knowledge

From Grover his genuine spirit

From Clarrise her strength

From Reyna her courage

From Jason his Bravery and caring heart

from Piper her knowledge that beauty come from within and her wisdom (There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom)

From Leo his humor

From Hazel her caring heart

From Frank his innocence

From Nico his love for his family

From Octavian............................................................*blink blink* I know.................... I want to know what mistakes not to make, and that power comes with consequences.

I know it isn't over, Rick might not write any other book, but these characters they got me threw so much. I started reading them right before my Grandma died. When we got the call my sister was away at a youth activity for 4 days, so I turned to my scriptures, and my books. I know that the journey isn't over, because they will forever live in my heart

Thanks for reading. Comment you thoughts on the end

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