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Some perabeth stories, ALL ARE MINE!!

Some where in Maine."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"      "ANNABETH" Luke yelled sitting up, Thalia was already at the little girls side,      " What's wrong?" Luke asked as he walked over. The forest mist curling around him. Annabeth was shivering from fear and cold.             " I-i-i ha-ha-d-d a nightmare" she stammered. Thalia looked at Luke, a silent understanding passed between them, she is to young to be having demigod dreams.           " What happened kido."         " I fell to Tartarus.....with this boy....and.." she wiped a tear from her check every one was silent, finally Luke spoke.          "Annie, as long as I live you will never fall to Tartarus, ok." "OK" she hugged him and he hugged back.

Some where in New York ( Same night

"MOOOOMMMMMYYYYYYY" A boys scream ran through the apartment.    "What is it baby." A mother replied.    " I had a nightmare. I'm scared" he cried out " Percy don't be scared. what happened sweetie"  she said, running her finger through his hair.        "well I fell down a cliff with a girl."  he answered looking terrified     " Percy, that will never happen." she kissed his forehead         " ok mom." with that the mother tucked him back into bed.


Percy slunk around all night long, Annabeth could NOT see him. It was her senior prom and Percy had it all planned out. They took the ballot in the back to count so Percy got a hold of them. mmwhahhahahahha................ TIME SKIP.

" Announcing prom king Percy Jackson?" every one looked around Annabeth cleared her ears, Man she must really OH MY GODS HE WAS THERE.

"and prom queen Annabeth Chase." Annabeth smiled Percy changed the votes

Annabeth got on stage and got her crown, she wore a dark blue dress that strangly matched percy's tie, He looked soooooooooooooo hot in the suite. The music started and Percy dropped to his knee.

"Annabeth Chase, please marry me, you are the only girl I have ever loved, I believe that the fates put us together for a reason. I would die just to see you safe, and don't say you don't want me because when you first say me you said he's the one...." Percy said with confedence in his voice, "I've been waiting for you ask that for months" Annabeth replied.

with that they kissed and all the kids in Annabeth's class cheered.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Percabeth <3<3<3 So my next ship chapter will be Caleo, then Reynico, but I need 4 more for the rest of my ship week. first four comments gets it

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