JASON!!! I am so sorry

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Piper stared at the desk. waiting for what seemed like hours. It all happened so fast. In a blink of an eye he could be dead.

Piper was talking with her mom when "darling Jason is cheating on you" "what? He would never do that"

"he did it to Reyna" with that Aphrodite vanished. Piper looked at the clock, Jason should have been home.

Jason got a call from Piper, she was asking where he was. "I had to drop Alice off at her house"  got mad at him, for some reason. It must have been the pregnancy hormones. In a flash a car him Jason's car. Jason's car rolled over and over, Jason blacked out.

Percy kissed Annabeth, he just took her on a date night. Suddenly they hit a car. Percy slammed on the brake and pulled out a phone. He called 911 and they waited.

Annabeth was at the ambulance waiting for.Percy to get checked. Annabeth saw a car pull up, she knew the car they hit was a man who had a pregnant wife, which made Percy feel bad enough. The man flew out the window and the car landed on him. But when she saw the wife... Annabeth hated herself. Annabeth ran up to the woman. "Piper I am so sorry"

The two hugged each other until a man walked up. We got the car off, we are getting him in surgery.

Piper stared at the desk. waiting for what seemed like hours. It all happened so fast. In a blink of an eye he could be dead. The door opened and the doctor came out "he is badly injured. But he will live"

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