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Ok I am really sorry i am doing an A/N but there are a few thing I want to say.

one if any of my readers need to talk I will be here for you just PM me, ok. I don't want you to think that i don't care for you, I really do.

Two, I will never take you for granted, if you comment on my story I will try to answer, I won't always because of school but know that seeing votes and comment makes me feel all warm inside.

Three, if you give me the title to a book of yours I will gladly take a sample of it, put it in my book so my followers will check you out.

Four, I am really happy you read the A/N

Five I will be putting mini A/N's on every other chapter to avoid these REALLY long and boring ones.

Six, you are still reading the A/N virtual blue cookies.

Seven, i will be calling you heroes.

Eight you can PM me your name and godly parent  and I will write a short story on how YOU came to camp half-blood or camp Jupiter


Heroes of Olympus book of randomnessWhere stories live. Discover now