My story

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Ok guys i  going to tell how i became a fan.

My family was heading to Florida to vist my aunt and grandparents for Christmas. We were in an airport...don't know how many have been in an airport..... But they have little, jewlrey, bed and body works ect.... Well they had this little book store so my dad took me in it..because i love reading.

On the shelf I saw a book called the red pyramid my dad told me on the way if i still wanted he would buy it for me.

We got to open presents early i was soooo happy with what i got

When we opened presents i got a nook and a $50. Barnes and nobles gift card... Once i got my nook set up i went ' shopping' i searched red pyramid and saw the book i bought it and book two and three i was searching to see if there was a forth.. Instead i found book called the lost hero.

I got the sneak peak after the first sentence i loved the book.

We used my gift card to buy book one and two. Later i got three.....then in the two months waiting for house of hades i read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. That guys is how i became a fangirl.


if you would like pm me the story of how you became a fan and i will put out in my book as well as diffrent fangirl/fanboy moments

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