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Here is some Caleo for you guys. I might not update this book untill Monday, I am trying to update all my books so Enjoy.

Leo was almost starved, he spend 3 months on the Argo2 alone. He didn't want the others to come. He wantted to find her alone. He might have to stay on the island, and he didn't want his friends to be forced to stop there lives.

Leo was about to break he wanted her. He was about to anchor for the night when he saw an island. Great I can re stalk supplies, he was almost out of food and he had been for a while now. The Argo pulled up and Leo hopped out, before he could register anything arms threw around his neck and gentil lips meet his.


"You came!!!!!!" "duh. You think i wouldn't".


"Let's try" Leo said. "I am willing to try but i dought it will work" Calypso replied. Leo took her hand on his, "I will never leave you Calypso." Together the got on the Argo 2 Holding hands they sailed from that lonely island

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