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Ok guys i think you all know  TODAY IS SEAWEED BRAINS BIRTHDAY. So i have decided to dedicate a chapter to him.

Percy's POV


I focused my mom was at the store getting things for my party. It was going to be me and her on montaka i think she is taking me to a beach house.

I wanted her to get me a fish.a gold fish.

I was communicating with my mind the door opened and my mom came in behind her was a guy he was VERY fat and he smelled.

" Percy you are supposed to be asleep."

" i dont have school remember." I replied

" This is Gab. He will be joining ME for dinner when you go get your teeth brushed and get in bed."

I walked away to my room but being 5 i knew how to spy so my mom and Gabe ate dinner and talked about grown up stuff so i went to my room.

Gabe came over every night. He even went to montuke with us. He then married my mom....i hate him he is mean and smelly.... I have a nickname for him Smelly Gabe.

How did you like it i know that it is short but i have been busy all day i have decided to strech out my Percy stories for another week or so Kk.

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