The cap

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Annabeth screamed and stormed off so she wanted a day off.  Get over it Chiron. Annabeth ran into the forest, a spot only she knew about. Annabeth had her Yankees cap on.

"wow Annie" was Jackson. He thought he was swell...just cuz you save Zeus's naster bolt doesn't mean he will be a savor of Olympus. How did he know I was here? " what" she said taking off her cap "how did you find me?" Percy looked down "how should I know"

Years later

Annabeth turned an stormed of. Shoving on her cap.  She hid in a secret place in the forest. A new one. When a hand touched her shoulder "hey Annie" Annabeth looked at Percy "how did you find me. You always find me."

" You are my other half. I always know where you are"

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