Thalia Grace

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Thalia looked over at Jason in the training arena, he was going up against Jackson. They were laughing and joking about. Thrn Thalia notice a kid dressed in black sit down on the bench across from her. It was Nico.

Thalia got up and headed around to the back of his bench. Before she said hi to him she notice he was holding a sketching of Bianca. She was about to ask him who drew it when she heard him muttering things like why did you have to join the hunt and other things like that.

Thalia decided she would talk to him later.

It was dinner time and Thalia sat woth the Artimes warriors they were laughing and having fun when Thalia noticed Nico looking at there table with a look of hidden hatred for everyone there. Thalia ignored the look and continued to look around.

The beautiful green hills, the scent of strawberries. Then she say Jason...her littke brother he was looking around and for a second there eyes meet. Jason had a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes then his expression turned cold when Artimes stood to speak.

Artimes thanked camp for there hospitality but we would leave be leaving early in morning. Thalia wondered if Jason felt the way Nico did. Jerk of a father, mother who was dead, and sister in the hunt.

The next day Thalia was still thinking about what happened the night before when Artimes and the hunters grabbed there bags and started for the hill. Thalia remained back Artimes turned and said " Thalia ar't thou coming"

"NO." Thalia said she then said "when Bianca joined the hunt I hated her. She left her younger brother all alone, with no family. Now I am doing the same. I quite Artimes I am camper of camp half-blood. NOT a hunter"

After a small argument the daughter of Zeus felt years of worry come back to her. All the things she had left behind suddenly all back. She didn't care though because she had a brother to go talk to and for the first time in years Hug and Hold and Give bis sister Kisses on the check and most important PROTECT.

What did you guys think?

If you woke up one day married to a fictional character who would you want it to be?

LEO VALDEZ BABY. Thats my choice.

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