Chapter Four - Tony, Part Three

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Sorry. Forgot to mention. There will be no periods, from the insistence of most of you, and the fact that I do not write things as F.B.I vs FBI.

Also, no, I will not abandon Ripples. Right now I'm having the same sort of issue as I am with DoD – I need to find out how to transition to the next big thing that's going to happen. I've been working on a timeline, and that seems to be helping me. Either way, the next chapter will hopefully be up in about a week OR SO.

And since Gajeel's and Jellal's birthdays are BEFORE their point in the timeline, they're the only ones who are a year older.


Chapter Four – Tony, Part Three

"It wasn't complicated before?" Tony joked.

I rolled my eyes and continued. "There is a type of magic called 'Dragon Slaying Magic'. It's considered a Lost Magic, which is generally only able to be learnt from the original thing or through a magical lacrima that's fused with the body."

"The real thing?" Tony asked. "So...dragons?"

I nodded. "Dragons."

"Because why the hell not?" Tony muttered, putting a hand to his forehead. "So these people...were taught by dragons?"

"Yep. The dragons gifted them with the magic that also fused with their bodies, and started training them how to use it. Though two of them got their magic through lacrima implantation."

"That sounds like it hurts," Tony commented. "And I still don't really know what lacrimas really are. Lacrima? Lacrimi?"

"It does," I hissed, before specifically letting out a deep breath. "And it's lacrimas. And a lacrima generally looks like a crystal ball, in different shapes and sizes." I requipped out one of the moderate lacrima magical containers, about an inch in diameter. "This is probably around the size they got put into them. And it happened when they were young; if they're learning via dragon it needs to happen before you reach double digits, and if you're getting it via lacrima, you need to get it by ten but before fifteen or so, or it won't adapt right. But if you're not old enough, you won't survive the implantation process."

Tony was quiet before he asked. "Did those two do it willingly?"

I slumped over a bit. "No."

He was quiet, probably thinking back over to his own 'implantation', and how he essentially woke up in a hostile environment with a bunch of dangerous metal stuck in his chest.

Sure enough, his hand was drifting up to his arc reactor.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Were they awake?" he asked.

"Probably," I said quietly. "They weren't forthcoming, and I didn't exactly ask."

He was quiet, and I figured he was probably thinking back to his own surgery, when he was awake without any anesthetic.

"Tony?" I asked.

"I just...can't imagine a kid going through that," he whispered.

"Then don't," I said quietly. "We've all had bad pasts, Tony. But we have each other now."

He's quiet but he nods. "So, what was that about dragon magic and stuff?"

"Well, we've got four dragon slayers."

"Four?" Tony asked. "I thought you said it was Lost Magic?"

"It is," I continued. "There aren't that many people who know it, and the ones who learned without a lacrima – via real dragon – actually got to the X700s by traveling forward in time."

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