Chapter Eleven - Cats, Part Two

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Happy Christmas Eve, people! Here's a chappy, whether you celebrate or not! :D I'll try and get another one up tomorrow, too.


Chapter Eleven - Cats, Part Two

"So," I said. "I would suggest you name them, because they are primarily yours, but you don't have the best naming history."

"Hey!" Tony whined. "I do, too!"

I gave him a look.

"I name things after people I love," he said quietly.

I paused, looking at him. "I get JARVIS, who's actually been really quietly lately..."

"I am scanning information on being a cat owner," JARVIS said. "In the future, please give me a warning."

I nodded. "Okay. But what about the others? Are you saying that the bots are named after people, too?"

Tony nodded. "When I first named Dum-E I didn't do it on purpose. I was drunk, and was showing him pictures of the Howling Commandos. When I got to Uncle Dum-Dum, and talked about what a dummy he was, well...the little bot got really excited. He started whistling, you know? And I ended up naming him Dum-E."

"Oh," I said quietly. "And the others?"

"It's a bit of a weird story, but U is named after Gabe Jones because of his multilingualism, and Butterfingers was named after Jack Dernier because he was really good with bombs. He'd slip them under tank and stuff and make it look effortless, so...yeah. And when Butterfingers dropped something, it just became funnier."

"There were two others, right?" I asked.

Tony nodded. "Yeah. I never met Falsworth. He died before I was born. But as for the others...I grew up with them as my Uncles. Uncle Gabe, Uncle Tim – Dum Dum's real name, Uncle Jacque and Uncle Jim."

"Jim...Morita?" I asked. "What about him?"

Tony began to blush. "He...might've told me that I'm not allowed to name any of my...children...after him."

"Wait, is he still alive?" I asked, shocked.

"They all are," Tony said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I know he's dead when Steve woke up," I said. "Or at least...his file said he was. Who the fuck knows if SHIELD was lying to him..."

Tony nodded firmly. "Okay, then we'll move them in with us, too. It won't be hard to grab Uncle Jim; he lives in New York with his grandson."

I nodded; that I remembered, because Morita (the grandson) was the principal of Peter's school.

"And the others?" I asked him.

Tony shrugged. "Uncle Jacque is going to be more annoying, because he doesn't live in the US, but neither does Aunt Peggy right now. Uncle Tim and Uncle Gabe live in Virginia, though, and it won't be too hard to get them, either."

"Alright, it's a plan then," I said, nodding.

Tony sat on the couch working on his Tower and playing with the cats, who still didn't have names yet.

I was in the kitchen, making dinner for the two of us and a cake, because I think Tony deserves a cake at this point.

Well, I hadn't started the cake yet.

"Hey, JARVIS?" I asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Dreyar?" he asked.

"Can you make three lists for me? Visual, so I can look at them?"

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