Chapter Six - Tony, Part Five

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Okay! Sorry this took so long, I was having technical difficulties. Also, I managed to fix my account thing I'm using to raise money for my next semester at college! (The other account didn't work.) Just letting everyone know, also thank you to everyone who let me know about the problems they had.

Enjoy the chapter! Next one definitely won't take as long.

(Also, sorry, not sorry about the way this ends).


Chapter Six - Tony, Part Five

We took the Stark Expo model to the basement and Tony created a holographic version of it.

I pointed at the center. "This is the nucleus. Everything else is up to you."

He rolled his eyes and gave me a type of glare, though I could sense the teasing behind it, "I think I can recognize a nucleus, Sabrina," before he turned back to the hologram and started getting rid of parts of the model. "You ever going to tell me what's going on with my timeline? The thing you don't want to talk about?"

"There's a lot of things coming. What do you think of Shield?"

He frowned. "I'm not that fond of them, but they helped protect Pepper when..."

"When you fought the Iron Monger, right," I finished for him. "But you can't trust Shield. Speaking of which, where's your Aunt Peggy?"

Tony narrowed his eyes at me. "Why?"

"Because Peggy helped create Shield, and she deserves to know that it's been infiltrated."

"How infiltrated?" Tony asked.

I snorted. "A lot. But we can find that out more in the future. For now, we should concentrate on the element."

"Stop changing the subject," Tony said.

"Shut up and make your element."


I had no idea what was happening. So I just sat in the rolling chair and spun around as I watched him and Tony played with holograms.

Finally, he finished up and spread out the atomic structure for his new element.

"Amazing," he breathed, before turning back to his computer. "JARVIS, inventory list on what items we have here."

"Would you also like a list of items we also have stored in the nearest Stark Industries Warehouse?" Jarvis asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Tony said distractedly, highlighting a few things and setting those items aside.

He clicked a few items and sent them onto another list. "And can you have these items delivered to our house?"

"On it, sir."

Tony finally turned back to me, where I was sitting on a couch holding the arc reactor core.

I held it up. "You going to change this anytime soon?"

He shrugged. "I asked you to get it early. I might be fine for now, especially if we finish it in time."

I glared at him, getting off the couch and putting it down on the desk in front of him. "Even if we get the materials and make it quickly, JARVIS still has to test everything. Change your core when it needs to be changed."

He scowled at me and started changing it. "You know, I can do this on my own."

"I know," I told him. "But you don't have to."

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