Chapter Twenty - Friday, Part Three

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Chapter Twenty - Friday, Part Three

Their apartment was cute.

After teleporting all of us over to their apartment (which lead to more excited cries from Peter), the Parkers invited us inside.

Ben glared at Tony, waiting for him to criticize the place.

"It's nice," Tony said softly. "Cozy."

"I think we have some ice cream if you'd like some dessert," May said, walking over to the fridge.

"Oh, it's fine," I said. "I took some cookies from the gala, and there's a bunch left over. I might eat a lot but I can't eat that much."

That was a lie. I could too eat that much. But I took a lot, so...

I requipped out another Tupperware of cookies, and May grabbed some plates as we all sat down on the couches.

Peter sat next to Tony and was still vibrating with excitement. "Can I see you do more magic, Elle, can I?"

I smiled at him. "Sure. Where's your map?"

He got up and ran to his room, before coming back with a giant map which he started pinning up on the wall. "I'm still trying to learn more geography," he told us as he finished taping it up and moving aside.

I stood up and requipped one of my tacks, thinking about Bucky Barnes and infusing it with magic, before I threw it at the map.

To all of our surprise, the tack flew towards the map and stopped about a foot away, hovering in air, before it dropped to the ground.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

I grimaced. "I was searching for the person from before the brainwashing. But my magic isn't registering it. Let's try this again."

I picked up the tack and took a few steps back, before closing my eyes and thinking of the Winter Soldier, breathing in and out, before I threw the tack.

Luckily, it flew over to Virginia and planted itself into the map.

"Oh, good, he's still in the US," I said. "Now we just gotta get some maps of Virginia."

"We could try with holograms again," Tony suggested.

"My magic doesn't like your holograms," I said, pulling out the tack.

Peter looked back and forth between us before running to his room. "Wait right there!"

A few seconds later he ran back out and held out a marble. "What if you project the hologram on the floor? Maybe your magic doesn't like it because you're using a thumb tack, and the hologram can move?"

We all stared at him.

Tony smiled. "He could have a point. It could be because the thumb tack is stationary and it can't move if the hologram is jostled."

"Alright," I said, taking the marble. "Let's see Virginia."

Tony projected a map of Virginia onto the floor, and I closed my eyes and concentrated on the Winter Soldier before rolling the marble. Unlike the thumb tack, the marble glowed much more, shining from the inside (probably because it's made of glass, and as a crystal, it works a bit like a lacrima). The thumb tack usually barely glows for an outline.

The marble rolled to a stop. Tony jostled his phone and moved the map, and the marble moved with it, so it was on the same place it was before. I picked up the marble and stood back while Tony zoomed in on where it landed, and then we repeated the process. Finally, we got close enough to the facility that the marble began spinning around the place Bucky was in.

TSUNAMI [A Fairy Tail/Marvel Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz