Chapter Seven - Tony, Part Six

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On the first night of Chanukah the-real-narnia gave to me:

Another chapter of Tsunami!

^Yes, I am doing this again. Happy Chanukah, 2018!

Also, yeah, we're still on Tony, if you look at the titles. We're like...barely half way through it, I think. Sorry about all the exposition, but here, have the feels; this is super sappy and something I've always wanted to say to Tony, actually, so Elle gave me the perfect opportunity.

Also enjoy fluffy Tony hair.


Chapter Seven - Tony, Part Six

Tony was frozen. "...What?"

"That night, your dad was delivering five vials of super serum that he made to SHIELD," I explained. "HYDRA killed him. Your mom died because they didn't want any witnesses."

He still seemed pale.

"Do you want me to get Rhodey?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Do you want a hug?"

He hesitated.

"Can I give you one anyway?"

He nodded. Tony's eyes looked suspiciously wet.

I've only seen Tony cry a handful of times, because the first thing that hits him usually seems to be shock.

I pulled Tony into my arms. Normally, it wouldn't work – even though we were both around the same height, Tony was still bigger than me (it was probably from all of his work in the shop, but he has muscles, like what the fuck) but by laying Tony down next to me and curling up around him it seemed to work. It was similar to the way I'd comfort Laxus, or any of the other boys who got too big for me.

He still seemed a bit in shock, but I tightened my hold on him. "It'll be okay," I told him. "You can cry. There's nothing wrong with crying," I said.

His arms tightened around me, but he didn't seem to be crying yet.

"And we'll get back at HYDRA," I continued, rocking back and forth. "We'll save their prisoners. We'll take them down. When we all work together, they won't be able to handle anything we throw at them."

And then the tears started. I could feel my shirt getting wetter.

We mostly stayed there, and I stroked his hair. It's probably because he starts to cut his hair shorter more in the future (maybe he has problems with it in the suit?) but his hair is actually pretty long and soft right now, curling down around his ears.

It makes him look adorable, and a lot younger.

Eventually, he stopped crying. He pulled his face away and looked up to me, and there was shame on his face as he wiped away his tears.

I sighed and brought his face forward, back into my embrace. "It's okay to cry, Tony."

His head shook again against me. "Stark men are made of iron," he whispered.

I stared down at him and went back to running my fingers through his hair. "Oh, Tony." I gently tugged on his hair and pulled his head back until he looked up at me.

"'Stark men are made of iron', right? That's the stupid saying."

He nodded.

I made him look into my eyes. "Okay. Fine. Stark men are made of iron. But you know what else is made of 'iron'?" I put up air quotes.

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