roommate [yoonmin]

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yoonmin au - park jimin hates roommates but will he hate his newest one?


pitter-patter and alarm bells. he woke up to the rain accompanied by the cold sounds of his phone, ringing it's life away, willing jimin to wake up.

the world was a blur, shapes shifting, patterns dancing the colours of his room blinding him. he adjusted, eyes wide. hands already reaching his phone, the repeating action done every morning. he fiddles, turning the blood-chilling sound off.

the date was bolder, more annoyingly shoved into his face.

during his first year at university he requested to be in a room with a roommate, as to get a better handle of his new adult life. due to bad experiences with said roommate, he vowed to never get another roommate ever again.

that vow ended today however, as a new roommate was imminent.

jimin learned from his first year at university that he enjoys his own company over anyone else's, he likes to relax, water his plants and listen to the rain when it fell. his favourite past time activity was taking a long walk and looking at pretty flowers, maybe petting a stray cat. he enjoyed the sunset over summer days, open fields of wildflowers.

the city wasn't what he wanted, but it's what he got. education is fundamental and his family home was hours away from his school. hours away from the ones he loves, his family, friends and boyfriend. he's lonely. but that's okay because he'd rather be lonely and far from the people he loved than surrounded by fake friends and cheep alcohol on a friday night, head pounding by saturday morning.

the rain outside was a tranquil sound, jimins eyes closed. soft white duvet pooling around his waist as he listens to the little drops hitting the window, the beginnings of sunrise giving him a glow on the inside, a refreshing moment from the crippling fear he felt everyday, pressure to live.

his eyes drooped, head laying back against his pillow. sigh.

"wake up jimin, the real world waits," he mumbles lowly to himself. he rolls onto his side, hand reaching for his phone again. a simple good morning text to his boyfriend, he doesn't expect a reply.

he pulls himself out of bed and straight to his tea collection, which no doubt would clutter on the short days to come with coffee products.

his mornings were simple, he made tea and went to sit in his window ledge, viewing the fast cars around him. the busy people starting their days with shaky hands and furrowed brows.

his head shifts to the open space of the living room. "a cat would be nice..." he mumbles with lips around the cup, sipping.

jimin finds himself day dreaming frequently, about his future. it's him, his boyfriend and a cat living in a small cottage away from the city, a place where the sun never falls, unless falling for the moon. they'd watch the stars together and fall asleep under the watching moon to be woken by the sun, greeting the two with soft yellows and oranges, the contrasting blues. simple bird calls and no cars, the crunching of leaves and twigs under their bare feet as they walk through the forest.

it's like his little safe space, his thoughts. the serenity he feels, a sudden happiness. when pulled down he misses his love even more, heart aching for the touch of his hand.

slipping off the sill and into the shower, he never spends too long in there, he enjoys the feeling of hot water but never for too long. like a treat, hygiene is important but short showers feel more luxurious when taken, like smooth silk.

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