chapter 4

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*time skip to after shopping and explaining because I'm lazy af*

Roman pov
After professor McGonagall took us shopping and everything, she took us to Kings Cross station and told us exactly how to get to platform 9 3/4. Once she did, she left us to get on the train. We all agreed to stick together and we found a compartment that had 2 other boys in it and we asked if we could stay in there as well. They nodded and we introduced ourselves as they did as well. "I'm Harry Potter and this is Ron Weasley." "I'm Roman and these are my brothers Patton, Logan and Virgil Sanders."

Harry pov
They all said hi except for Virgil. I whispered to Roman asking why and he bit his lip and glanced at Virgil. "I think it's best to ask Virgil that. It's a bit scary and he doesn't like talking about it." He nodded and looked at Virgil. "Hey virge, i was just wondering but why are you so quiet? I don't mean to offend you or anything but just curious."

Virgil pov
I contemplated on whether or not i should open up to this guy, but i felt a really good vibe around him so i decided to. "Ok, this may sound scary and you might be worried but i get abused. Our father killed our mother because she gave birth to all four of us and he only wanted one kid. He didn't like how much work she made him have and so he killed her and started abusing us until i couldn't take my brothers being abused anymore and i made a deal with him. He could abuse me as much as he wanted but could never touch them Ever again. It's why I'm so anxious and i flinch at sudden movements and loud noises."  "That sounds a lot like my life actually. Except with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Both my parents are dead and I'm famous for it. I can only guess you just learned that magic is real just like me." We nodded and sat in silence until we got to Hogwarts.

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