chapter 17

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Virgil pov

I put Patton down once we reached the doorstep and I opened the door, only to be met by a fist in the face. I had completely forgotten that this would all start again the second we came home. I told them to wait for me in the closet. They did as told and I submitted to my fate. He was full of anger and rage and showed it clearly all over my body. He beat me black and blue with no mercy upon me. By the time he stopped, I was a shivering heap on the floor, my eyes filled with tears and fear. I desperately crawled to the closet and opened it and crawled in. They were already waiting with the first aid kit and hurriedly fixed me up. I luckily managed to get them to forget my arms so that they wouldn't see what they had done to me. After, I desperately clung to Patton afterwards and cried. He looked shocked, knowing I don't show my emotions that often. I was letting out my emotions from the past year on to him. I was pleaing to him for help. My silent scream.

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