chapter 14

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Patton pov
I opened up my gifts and I loved them! All the cute things my brothers got me were the best Christmas presents ever. I got in contact with Logan and Roman to hang out since Virgil said he had other plans today. I wonder what he could be doing. I caught up with the others and we hung out for a while until it was dinner.

Virgil pov
I told Patton I had other plans when actually, I was eating with Joey and then crying in the room of requirement because my life means nothing. 1 cut 2cuts 3cuts 4. I just need to do some more. About 10 cuts later and I was just a small depressed 1st year, bleeding in the room of requirement. I bandaged and cleaned them up and I put on my fake smile. I came out of the room and went to my first class and I drifted into a dangerous place that is my mind.

**Time skip to mirror of erised scene**

Virgil pov
I snuck to a mirror in a room that I had never seen before and I looked at the reflection in the glass, unaware that I was being watched by 2 people. I looked and at first all I saw in the reflection was me in the room alone, but then I saw the glass ripple like a mirage and I saw instead was my whole family including my mother... laughing. Having fun. Getting along. My deepest desire.

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