chapter 12

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Roman pov
Christmas time! OMG YASSSSS! It's gonna be Christmas in a few days and I need to get Patton, Logan and Virgil something. I haven't checked up with virgil in a while. He should be ok though so no need. I'm sure he has a few friends by now. I go ahead and sneak into the shops and I buy Patton a book about newt scamander's beast adventures and I got Logan a book on book of spells volume 2 since he mastered year one already. I didn't know what Virgil would want and so I bought him a phone case that says emo Elmo as a gag gift. I snuck back into Hogwarts and I wrapped the stuff and put names on them and gave them to the house elf to deliver to them.

Patton pov
Yay it's almost Christmas and I can get my brothers some gifts! I got Logan a few bookmarks and a book on the entire wizarding world's history, I got Roman a nimbus 2000 broom and I got Virgil a fidget cube for his anxiety. I wrapped them up and gave them to the house elf to send to them.

Logan pov
It is nearly Christmas and I need to get gifts. I got Roman a few Disney figures, I got Patton a puppy calendar, and I got Virgil a stress ball for any stress that may come up on him.

Virgil pov
I got up from the floor and wiped my eyes with my sleeve and I saw on a calendar in the room that it was near Christmas. I got roman a broom cleaning kit, Logan a wand polishing kit and Patton, a puppy plush. I don't think I'll get anything from them though. I wrapped and gave them to the house elf to send them. Once I did, I was overwhelmed by an empty feeling inside. Why was I here? I don't deserve presents and I don't deserve to live. I heard a voice in my head suddenly. "Why don't you cut yourself virgil? It'll help with the pain." He cooed at me. I for once listened and asked the room for a razor blade. I made a slice on my right wrist and another and another and another. I made about 5 before I stopped and put the blade in my pocket. I asked for a sink and bandages. I washed my wrist and bandaged it and made sure it was out of sight. No one can know.

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