chapter 20

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Joey pov
After the train stopped, we got off and walked to the castle chariots and we got in and rode to the castle into the night.

*I'm lazy af and we r getting nowhere just doing one year at a time so let's skip to the end of the year and yes Virgil's cuts and cuts during it.**

Virgil pov
Another year of my siblings ignoring me has come to a close and I couldn't be happier. The chamber of secrets was opened and then closed after Patton helped Harry. I'm starting to year rumors about Voldemort's plans for the wizarding world and honestly I like them. I wanna find out where they will meet so that I can join and not be alone anymore.

**I need the plot to advance so let's just skip the summer and the next year because plot reasons and it's now fourth year.**

Virgil pov
We went to the great Hall and there was a cloth over something big on the teachers area. I sat down at the Slytherin table and ate as dumb old door (Dumbledore. Lol) gave his usual speech and then explained what was under the cloth.

**Skip the speech about the goblet and btw I'm not doing durmstrang for this and I will have TWO Hogwarts champions instead**

Virgil pov
Ok so I managed to get an older Slytherin to put my name in the goblet and said it was for personal reasons. He agreed and I left after he did it.

**Im gonna skip to the juicy part. Aka the maze.**

Virgil pov
I walked through the maze for a while before I looked ahead and saw the cup. I heard a rustle in the leaves behind me and Harry came out of the bush. We had a convo for a few seconds and agreed we would touch it at the same time. We ran towards it and we were teleported to a graveyard where we saw a man holding a bundle. I heard someone say "do not kill the other boy, I want to talk to him after this is done with." A grave pulled Harry up and held him in place as some sort of ritual was preformed, Harry looked betrayed that I wasn't helping him out but I held my ground. I'm not gonna give this up, no matter what. The bundle was tossed into the cauldron and Harry's blood was dripped in straight after. The cauldron disappeared and in it's place stood a tall man, Voldemort.

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