Chapter 27

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Virgil pov

After the conversation in the forest, I apperated Joey and I to Voldemort's base. I brought him to the living room where Voldemort then made him swear to the death eaters and he also made him swear not to break my heart. He agreed to both and we apperated back to Hogwarts. I had him sneak around with me for about a week before Voldemort called us back and told us the battle plans and what tomorrow would hold. We will launch an attack on Hogwarts tomorrow to start the wizarding war. We will fight to the last man and make sure that they all either die or surrender. I nodded and went to grab my weapons, aka my wand and gun. I also brought my razor blades just in case.

Time skip to where they are about to break the barrier around the school.

Virgil pov

I was on the front lines, waiting for the barrier to be broken. It didn't take long for the rest of the death eaters to start breaking it, they cast spell after spell for almost half an hour until Voldemort intervened. He yelled as a powerful spell hit the barrier and broke it. All hell broke loose after that,  we ran and ran across the bridge even while Neville was lighting fireworks and making the bridge explode. I ran with Joey hot at my heels. We were the only ones to escape alive. We ran right past Ginny and the rest and to the courtyard where I saw the 3 people I fear/hate most. Roman, Logan, and Patton. I looked at them with hate and rage. "Hey virge. Remember us?" I growled but replied, "of course I do. Why do you think I hate you? Why do you think I left? I left because I thought you didn't care about me anymore! I thought that you thought that I was better off alone! You all avoided me for a year! I even made it clear that I need help. My old friends who actually figured out something was wrong started to try and help me. They say the eyes are windows to the soul, they described mine as broken glass. I was and still am depressed. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH CUTTING AND CRYING I HAD TO DO TO GET HERE?!?!?!?!" By then, i was full out sobbing in front of my old siblings. I had pulled up my sleeves and showed them my scarred and bleeding arms.

Roman pov

After virgil's rant, I was speechless like the others. How much pain and hatred did we not see before? "I'm sorry I didn't see nor help you virge but if you come back, i can hopefully make it up to you and I will do whatever it takes for you to trust me again! I love you so much and i may not say it but I do!" Almost immediately he snapped, and said, "Why would I ever go back with you guys?! Voldemort was more caring to me in the past 2 months than you guys ever were to me! He's been almost a father to me." he trailed off on the last part. There is no denying it now, my brother is gone.

Patton pov

I listened to roman and virgil's convo and I started to have second thoughts and doubts. What if virgil is gone for good? what if there is no winning him back? what if we lose? All these thoughts invaded my normally optimistic mind and i soon heard footsteps in both directions. Voldemort is here and so is hogwarts. The first spell was cast and all hell broke loose. The war had begun.

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