chapter 18

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Virgil pov
I struggled to control my sobs but I managed. After a few sniffles and an akward silence, I discreetly grabbed a razor blade and excused myself to the bathroom.

Pathetic... Weak... Cry baby...

The voice keeps tormenting me. I deserve to have it tormenting me though. I deserve the pain I get. Getting to the bathroom, I bring out the blade and put it to an empty spot on my wrist and I drag it across the soft skin of my wrist.  Slicing and slicing again and again. It takes both my life and the pain away but I don't have the guts to die right now...but maybe later.

**Time skip to after summer and after buying stuff. The whole summer Virgil was beaten btw.**

Roman pov
I can't believe we're second years already! We boarded the train and Virgil left to go to another car after we said he'd be fine on his own since he did it last year just fine. (A/n worst mistake ever tho) I soon found the car with harry, Ron, and Hermione and we sat down and chatted for the entire ride.

Virgil pov
After the statement that Roman said, he made it clear to me he didn't want me around. I smiled sadly and went to find an empty car and low and behold I found one. I sat down for a few minutes in silence before I jumped when the door opened to reveal Joey, Lizzie, Joel, and Oli. They looked happy at first but then that look was replaced by one of concern. "Hey Virgil?" I looked up. "Are you ok? You seem more jumpy, bruised up, and smaller than last year. Did your dad beat you again?" I nodded shyly and he looked furious. Lizzie looked up and was furious too. She mother hens me a lot and considers herself my mother figure which I find very considerate and her doing that is amazing. She went up to me and started checking me for more bruises and I was so caught up in her being kind that I forgot to stop her from checking my arms. She gasped and so did everyone else in the car. They saw my scars.

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