chapter 5

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Logan pov
We got to Hogwarts after a while and we stopped off the train in our robes and went to the boats with Harry and the others. We also met a girl named Hermione while on the train as well. Once we got off the boats, it got really crowded. Virgil's social anxiety and normal anxiety seemed to rise and he grabbed Patton's hand as we walked to the great Hall.

*Time skip to Harry's turn. Also Malfoy is an ass to everyone still*

3rd person pov
Harry walked up to the sorting hat and after a few minutes the hat said...
GRYFFINDOR! The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers. Next up was Logan, he walked over to the hat and not even seconds after being placed on his head, the hat screamed..."RAVENCLAW!!" The ravenclaw table clapped like civilized people and up next was Patton for which the hat screamed..."HUFFLEPUFF!" Roman was up next and before the hat was placed on his head, it screamed... "GRYFFINDOR!" Cheers and screams from the table in question.  Lastly was Virgil. The hat looked horrified but sad and screamed... "SLYTHERIN!!! ITS SLYTHERIN, GET ME OFF THIS CHILD'S HEAD!" The Slytherin table had already heard about Virgil and his shyness and was not looking forward to this and clapped but in their minds were booing.

Virgil pov
Great. Just great. Now i have another reason to be bullied. Not only from my shyness but also my house. My life couldn't get any worse.

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