chapter 13

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Virgil pov
I walked back to my dorm and I found Joey there, he looked worried. He saw me and he lit up and ran to me. He said he didn't know where I'd gone or when I'd come back and that he was worried. I fake smiled for him and I said sorry and he went to bed. I knew better than to believe that. Only then did I realize that it was Christmas Eve and that we don't have classes for 3 weeks. I went to bed late but when I woke up, I saw a tree and under it was loads of presents. I found 7 presents for me. 3 from my brothers which was a shock. 3 from Lizzie, Joel, and oli and 1 from Joey. I opened my brothers gifts first and I loved them, especially Roman's gift. I opened Lizzie's next and I found a My Chemical Romance T shirt. Joel got me  temporary purple hair dye and oli got me a black cat hat kinda like his panda hat. I opened Joey's gift last but I found a photo album and inside were pics of me, him, Lizzie, Joel, and oli together as friends. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I jumped slightly and turned around. I saw Joey there and I started crying tears of happiness and I hugged him. He got me the best present yet and I couldn't be happier. We talked and I said we should go down for breakfast now. We got dressed and went down, one thing I didn't notice though is that we did it holding hands.

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