Chapter 3

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Patton pov
I could hear Virgil's cries from The closet and wanted to help him so badly but I knew I couldn't.  Suddenly I heard a scream that was deceit's and ran out to see deceit floating midair while Virgil was in a fetal position on the ground. Deceit fell and when he got up, he had the scariest death stare at Virgil and basically lunged at him and beat him for nearly 20 minutes. When he was done, he left and we found Virgil having a bad panic attack. Once we got him cleared up, we heard the post flap open and shut. We went to go get it but found 4 letters that looked the same and with a red seal on the back. We went to the living room to open them and read them. A witches and wizards school? Is that even real? Questions formed in our heads but we're interrupted by a loud knock in the front door that made Virgil jump and start shaking. He motioned to us that he would be fine and we all went to the door and opened it.

McGonagall pov
I was instructed by Albus Dumbledore to go to the sander household and get the sander kids ready for Hogwarts. I knocked and soon 4 kids opened it. "Hello?" They cautiously asked. "Hello, i am professor McGonagall, transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts. Are you the Sanders kids?" They nodded but the one who looked youngest, looked a bit more cautious than the rest and bit more jumpy. "May i come in?" They opened the door wider and invited me to sit in the living room. Once we were comfy, they introduced themselves. "I'm Patton and these are my brothers Roman, Logan, and Virgil." I told them just exactly what Hogwarts was and that i would be helping them shop in dragon Ally.

Welcome To Hogwarts SandersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang