chapter 9

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Dumbledore pov

I tried and tried but I didn't have any proof nor sign that Virgil is being abused. I can't get him out of that house. I decided to forget about it until morning and I went to sleep.


Virgil pov
I woke up after a particularly scary nightmare and I jolted and jumped out of bed. First day of classes and I am stressed! I get dressed and ready 20 minutes before we have to go to the great Hall. My anxiety levels were shooting through the roof. My first day of school and I can only see one of my siblings in each class. I sit on my bed after getting my bag packed and I start to walk to the great Hall.

Roman pov

I woke up to a peaceful morning in the Gryffindor tower dorms and I was pumped. I can't wait to get to my classes and meet new people. I get dressed into my robes and I spend an hour on my hair because who doesn't! My hair needs to be flawless so I can make a good impression on the students and teachers. I see that I have ten minutes til breakfast and I walk out the portrait door.

Logan pov

I had been awake since 6 am and I was already dressed and ready. I wasn't nervous at all, in fact I was excited to start learning the art of magic and potions. My fellow ravenclaws were awake as well and we all walked out at the same time.

Patton pov

Oh another amazing morning and this time I have friends with me. I met this boy named Cedric diggory and he's really nice. I was already in my robes and I started my way down to breakfast.

All siblings pov

As I walked to the great Hall, I looked at my schedule.

(Virgil's schedule)

Potions (Roman)
Dada (Logan)
Herbology (Patton)
Divination (logan)
Care of magical creatures (Patton)
Transfiguration (Roman)
Flying (all)

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